Whats in My Suitcase For China #1 4 comments

Ok so I think you saw my post that I am going to China, if not you can read all about it Here wow, lifetime trip. And I thought I would share what is going in my suite case for the trip. This will hopefully help me not to forget something too. If you have suggestions let me know, because I have never traveled out of the USA. There are guidelines and I will have to adhere to them as otherwise I could be in flying restrictions. Knowing the rules will help, so I have been searching the net and have found a good source on USA Today, and also on Wikipedia I am doing a lot of research so I will be better prepared with Shenyang and its surroundings.

toiletries photo: toiletries. Vegas09022.jpg

All paperwork: hotel confirmations, flight information, passport and travel insurance info
Global plugin adapter
eReader – Kindle
Journal and pen
Computer and ac adapter
Phone and cable
Camera and charger
Prescription medication, vitamins, supplements, water bottle
Tiny first aid kit
Conditioner, hair product, face cream, makeup, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, brush, razor, shave soap
A few feet of duck tape can come in quite handy.
A couple of resealable plastic bags.
Clothes I have to be selective, I can only have one bag (BIG BAG)
Shoes comfortable and about 3 maybe 4 pair
Extra: small purse
Accessories: scarves jewelry

So at this point I am still in the planning stages, I also have to help my husband get his things ready to pack. I took all his shirts to have pressed so that would save me some time.

And crazy as it is I had to buy light coats, as here in Vegas, we rarely wear a coat, but it will be in the 60’s there and at night the low of 40’s.

I will be updating as preparation goes forward. If you are interested in reading each update I have set up a newsletter just for this and will only be used when I write the updates, China Newsletter

Thanks for following along…………….Have a fantastic Wednesday!!


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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

4 thoughts on “Whats in My Suitcase For China #1

  • Iris

    I would recommend an extra battery for your camera. That way, if you’re out for the day and your camera runs out of battery, you’re not totally screwed for the rest of the day. And extra memory cards, too! Have so much fun!! 🙂

  • Debbie Deupree CMLT

    Have a great time. I would take a change of clothes in your carry on. Comfy shoes for the flight and an extra big scarf or warm socks for your flight in case you have a tendency of getting cold. Have several copies of your itinerary (docs) in different places. Pocket, purse, bag. in case you loose one you have the info. elsewhere. When you pack your bag you can fit more by rolling your clothes instead of folding.

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Iris, thanks for the heads up, I just pulled another camera out to take, so with my phone that will make 3. What do you know about you phone and WiFi for just the internet, does it work? Im curious. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by:)

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Debbie, thanks for the headsup, I appreciate your time. I will make copies of itineraries and passports to tuck away. I knew about rolling the clothes and have tired for myself to choose things that are wrinkle free husband has to have dress shirts and we have found by putting each in a dry cleaner bag and in his fold over that they stay fresh. I have been reading articles about traveling as well. My husband has been to China twice before, so I had his recollections too. Where you comfortable with drinking bottled water? Thank you again, Karren

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