Stop The Negative Self Talk.. Now! 46 comments

By Alice Coaxum 

When it comes to achieving your business goals do you feel like it is impossible or that everyone else can do it but you?

Do you feel like you aren’t meant to be successful? Do you feel like nothing you ever do works?

Do you feel like you try and try and you might as well give up because nothing is working? How did these questions make you feel? Positive or negative?

Have you ever said and of these negative self talk statements to yourself?

I’m not good enough.

I can’t do it.

I don’t know enough.

I’m not smart enough to do this.

So and so is way better at this than me.

Why would anyone purchase from me.

I can’t sponsor anyone into my company.

I might as well not try because no one will listen to me anyway.

While I do not have the time to list ever possible negative self talk statement and they vary from person to person, you do get my point. Does this type of self talk make you feel good about yourself? Of course not. Would you tolerate another person talking to you like that. No, you would think that they rude and cruel to talk to you that way.

Why be rude and cruel to yourself? Do you know that your negative self talk can influence you in a major way?

How much better does it feel when you think positive. Too much energy is wasted on negativity. If you feel you can’t do something then you will not because you have already decided that it is impossible.

Turn your negative into a positive.

Example: I’m not smart enough to do this can become – I will research and try my best to learn from those who know more than I do and I will ask questions when I need to and take the time to fully absorb the answer and apply what I learn.

If you feel that you can do something you will strive and work hard towards achieving that goal or mini goal. Every goal does not have to be major as they all add up to the big picture.

Even if it takes a while as most things worth doing take time you will keep striving and feel good while you are doing it because you are thinking positive and that fills you with the hope that you can achieve your goal even if takes twists, turns, tweaks and changes to get there.

Find Out More About Alice:
Alice Coaxum is a happily married homeschooling mother of 4 teenage daughters and owner of ShopForPLR.Com.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

46 thoughts on “Stop The Negative Self Talk.. Now!

  • lesa

    I love this post and really needed to see something like this today! I have recently changed my business structure, and there has been some things that have happened recently that have really caused me to be disheartened about my business and fearing that I will fail. I think we all need to see things like this sometimes!

  • sheila ressel

    I know I’ve spoken negative things to myself, especially after I’ve made a silly mistake. Still I try to stay positive and forgive myself when that happens. I have a list of positive affirmations I speak to myself every day.

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  • Kathleen

    Thank you for this post. I have lived a long time with negative self talk. I think it is a hard habit to break free from. I’ve got to really try and work to remind myself to think positive when it comes to me. I’m not nearly as hard on others as I am myself….

  • terri tillman

    this is my problem in my personal life too that keeps me from accomplishing all sorts of things. i just dont have enough confidence in myself. many times over the years i have wanted to have my own small business but of course i dont know who, what, when and where and i seem to throw a road block up for myself.

  • Jessica Forrestt

    This is so true! Great post. I believe in the self fulfilling prophecy – put your mind to it & you can do anything! Negativity gets one no where.

  • Vicki Hale

    I always think, Love thy neighbor as thy self, and I think boy I must really not be loving my neighbor very well. So I change my thought pattern.

  • Sandy Cain (aka candy samenow)

    I’ve taken so many classes and groups about stopping the negative self talk, but you know, it’s a struggle every day. Low self-esteem, I guess!

  • Dena Sablotny

    It’s always nice to have a cheerleader friend to help you get over hurdles like low self esteem!/

  • Kayleen Considine

    I had a very bad childhood and young adulthood and it’s VERY hard for me to stop negative self talk. I’ve also had a weight problem most of my life, so it’s doubly hard for me. Society is very cruel.

  • michelle oakley warner

    thanks for the tips to turn it in to a positive, i am going to try your tips out thanks for the great post

  • Mikki Cross

    I know exactly how that feels. I usually mask this concerns with “I don’t have the time right now”. I’m sure if I didn’t have all those negative self doubts I would find the time.

  • Amanda Williams

    First off, get out of my head… Seriously (Not Really). I have been saying a lot of those same things in my head and out loud about why I haven’t started my own blog. I follow around 300 blogs and love every one of them because they give me insight into others lives, they offer giveaways, and they offer information that is real and not cookie-cutter. I am trying to raise two confident boys and it is hard for them to not doubt themselves when they know I have doubt about my skills. I am going to try to knock these things out of my head and just jump in. Thank you so much for the advice!

  • Jennifer Mae Hiles

    Great post, someone once told me attitude is everything and I’ve got to say it makes a huge difference just thinking positively.

  • Colleen Schilinski

    Everyone feels negative every once in awhile, but your right, you do need that positive attitude to succeed.

  • Tina

    I really love this post. I think we are all hard on ourselves at times and need to become more positive in our lives at least I know that this is true for me. Thanks again. I needed this.

  • Krista Grandstaff

    What a wonderful post! I needed to see this…surrounded by tax paperwork…feeling defeated, business not doing well…you name it…I need to take a step back and adjust my attitude, and work with what I can… Thanks so much for your wonderful share!

  • Molly Hearn

    I understand what you are saying.. I try to stay positive but I know in my last business venture I tried jumping in too quick and ended up flopping.. Next time if I ever do a home business I will do more research in my local area before i try to sell something everyone else in my small town is selling or can’t afford.

  • Carissa Smith

    I think a positive attitude, especially at the beginning of the day, helps for the whole day’s mentality.

  • Kelly A. Tanner

    A lot of great information here. I try to be optimistic but can beat myself up sometimes.

  • Donna

    My son is now just starting to find a job. I have to tell him almost everyday to not be so pessimistic.

  • Debra Barber

    I totally agree!! I am my own worst critic!! Negative talk doesn’t help you or anyone else. Encouraging words lift our spirits and give us hope. Realizing our abilities and our handicaps is positive and helps us to work on the things we can change. We are all good at something. We don’t need to be good at everything. We just need to develop what we are good at. That is where we prosper.

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Carissa, I think you hit the nail on the head, Im the same way, I love to get up early so I can have my time to myself to get my thoughts for the day!

  • Dawn Rader

    Love this! Thank you so much for posting this! All too often we are our own worst enemy. I make it my mission everyday to find a reason to love myself!

  • Cheryl Chervitz

    I wish I could be more likeable to myself. I am a lot more positive now that I’m older than when I was younger.

  • Robin Wilson

    I think we all feel that way sometimes, it is a part of being human. 🙂 I do set goals and try not to let it get me down if I fail. I believe in the power of faith.

  • Georgia Beckman

    I HAVE said those very things. I started my own small business 18 months ago, all the while, saying these things to myself, even though it just kept gaining more & more momentum. It has been an avalanche of success & NOW I feel good enough. NOW I feel like, “yeah, maybe I am really good at this.” It’s really tough when you’re starting. We definitely need to cheer each other on.

  • Mya Murphy

    I’m a pretty positive person. I know I can, and I will prove that I can, but I see this all the time and it’s sad…

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