How To Snip A Picture or Take a Screenshot 1 comment

Snipping Tool For Windows 7

Blogging Tools

Snipping Tool

You can capture any of the following types of snips:

Free-form Snip.  Draw a free-form shape around an object.
Rectangular Snip.  Drag the cursor around an object to form a rectangle.
Window Snip.  Select a window, such as a browser window or dialog box, that you want to capture.
Full-screen Snip.  Capture the entire screen.

After you capture a snip, it’s automatically copied to the Clipboard and the mark-up window. From the mark-up window, you can annotate, copy, save, or share the snip. The following procedures explain how to use the Snipping Tool.

After you capture a snip, click the Save Snip button in the mark-up window.

Saving Your Snip

In the Save As dialog box, enter a name for the snip, you can give it the name of a post you will be using it in.
Choose a location where to save the snip, and then click Save.

 To Share a Snip

After you capture a snip, click the arrow on the Send Snip button, and then select an option from the list.

For a Screenshot in Windows 7 

To take a screenshot of only one window
Tap or click the window you want to capture.
Press Alt+PrtScn. A picture of the window is copied and you can paste it wherever you’d like.
To create a Screenshot for Windows 8  my friend Kathy has written a tutorial on her blog Smile For No Reason

 Apple’s App Store and Google Play

 Update 5/19/2019 Now comes screenshot sizing you can use for Apple’s App Store and Google Play.
There are different sizes of screenshots for the different apps and you must upload a set of screenshots for all device types, in researching I found that there is a huge guide at App Store Screenshot Sizes and Guidelines There are guidelines on screenshots for portrait and landscape and by using the proper size of screenshots it can change the analytics of your blog and it would be something you have to experiment with to decide which size works best.

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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