Seven Tasks Of a Day In Blogging 22 comments

Daily Activities for Oh My Heartsie Girl or Random Tasks Updated 3/24/2020

Well, I was prompted to write how I get so much done in a day with blogging and thought would share what happens in my day. It works best if you have a list or a planner and this does not have to be a fancy list, however, they are fun on a cute pad or in a cute loose leaf you have made or you can buy. But I just have moved to a notebook, however, I am a “multitasker” and will move back and forth through my list. My lists are pretty much the same every day or I should say routine, like a workout, lol so here we go, ready for the ride? Seven-Tasks-Of-a-Day-In-Blogging

Emails: I start my day, as you would checking emails, responding to any that are pressing, companies requesting reviews, affiliate programs for updated deals, (potential money makers), I highlight the rest, delete as many as I can and come back to those that I need to attend to during the day and will return in an hour or so to check again. I’m sure you have noticed that the bulk of your emails are there first thing in the morning, and these do take time to care for, so I check again every hour or so. How often do you check your emails?

Comments & Events: Now for events on my blog: I take time to check any parties I have going on to see if I need to respond to and answering comments.

  • Comments; Heres the thing, if you dont stay on top of answering comments for any blog post, you can get behind and its a fiasco to try and catch up. Or as in Linky parties, I like to pay a visit to my guest and write a comment there. So get it done. The reason, this is the most important part of your blog, so give this plenty of time, it builds good blogging relationships with reciprocal commenting. How do you handle comments?
  • Building Relationships; Find a blog you like, visit and comment often, I mean a lot, it helps build that lasting friendship and to get connected. You will find it uplifting when a blogger finds you are commenting a bunch and helps you to make a lasting connection. However, if one blogger does not work, move on, try another. Im doing this weekly.

Facebook Engagement: I only use Facebook as a way of communication in groups, it can eat more time than you have to spend. I have several pages, so I check to see if I have had activity and need to respond to posts.  How much time do you spend on Facebook?

Groups on Facebook: These groups I share with you, I have belonged to for several years
M.O.O.N. Group is a support group for adding your social media links, blog posts for comments, finding giveaways to signup for participation and you would Need to Join.
Networking Perks wants to make a difference in the blogging world and help other bloggers in the process. Need to Join
Bloggers Media Connection Helping Bloggers and Media Connect. Need To Join
Between The Lines This group was created a while ago as a shared experience for all female bloggers of a certain age and a great place to share your blog with other women. Check it out.

Twitter thread; These can be beneficial to you for participating in threads that allow you to post a Twitter link for others to retweet, a link you would like comments on, posting giveaways.

Alexa thread; In the thread, you would post your blog link and the visitors go to your blog and while on your blog will take time to browse around and clicking on pages, going deeper into your blog, that might not otherwise be visited, this is when Alexa kicks in. It takes about 2 1/2- 3 minutes

Pinterest: I stop by to see if I have new friends following and reciprocate, checking out some new pins, re-sharing and commenting, {comments and interaction is a must to get reciprocal response} and move on. I don’t allow myself to linger too long first thing in the morning, I leave that for more leisure time. Like reading a magazine. Browsing while watching TV.  You can also participate in Pinterest Parties great way to Pin, repin and meet new people.

Social Media Google +: So since Google+ has gone away what platform has taken its place for you? It used to be that G+ should in Google Analytic’s to be a driver of traffic.

Social Media Twitter: Again, a great tool to get your blog posts noticed,  you have taken so much time to create you need to get them out there in front of your friends and their friends and on and on. Mine also goes automatically to Facebook when I tweet. {More on that later}

Update 3/24/2020

PicMonkey/We Heart It: You might wonder why I mention this, however, I discovered when I am making a banner, and I give it a title and when I finish creating my banner and Picmonkey asks, “Do you want to share?” This is the secret, if you choose to share it, you have the choice of Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumbler or (( We Heart something new to me. It is another community where you can share your images, find people, niches, inspiration, popular images and there is a phone app to download and you can add a button to your browser to share other content, similar to Pinterest. But my point is it is another social media to use to get your blog and content out there.  {More on that later}

By this time, around the middle of the day, I go back to emails and pay attention to those I have flagged to respond to party invites, posts of interest I want to visit read and comment.

Source of Inspiration Nikki Woods Media
4 Tips Taking Great Photos for Your Blog
Effective Ways To Make Email Marketing And Instagram Work Together
(Blogger Resources) Blog Planning for 2013 (Printable Planner)

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

22 thoughts on “Seven Tasks Of a Day In Blogging

  • Kimberlee

    Thanks for sharing your list and tips. I have to multi task a lot between blogging, etsy and keeping my household running with 3 kids and a husband. Lots to do every day!

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Kimberlee, there is so much we can learn from each other as I am finding more about tasks in a bloggers life.Im sure running a house and taking care of little ones can be challenging at times. Thanks for taking time to stop by, I appreciate your comment.

    Hope you have a great week!

  • Karren Haller Post author

    And if you have not been to G= in a while it has changed since I wrote about it. Not sure I like it as much. But I do know those posts go directly into GOogle Search engine.
    Have a great week!

  • Beverly

    Karren, your daily system is great. I try to follow a daily routine in the order in which I take care blogging items, too. Though I’m not as organized as you! It’s one of my blogging goals for the year to make more connections. I’m a big believer in replying to comments on those that are left for me on my blog. I think it’s just good manners to do so. I try to reply on the same day or no later than the following day. I know for very large blogs, that would be difficult, but for mine, it seems like a small thing to take care of. Thanks so much for sharing this post at Snickerdoodle Sunday. We appreciate having you party with us. Pinned and Tweeted.

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Beverly, THanks for you comment. Im glad you found the post of interest. Comments are golden and should not be taken lightly thats for sure, its how you know the beat of your blog.
    I’m not a big blog, but its still hard to get to every comment, especially if you share an older post and the comments are on google+, no notification there is a new one. I battle with whether to keep them on the posts, but people like them.

    Thank you again for stopping by, hope you have a beautiful day!

  • Sarah-Ann

    Great article. I love how insight it is, for others to see the hard work bloggers put into their blogs. I love how you use Picmonkey. It’s one of my favorite editing tools that with lightroom works wonders. There is so much you can do with it.

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Sara You are right being a blogger is harder than anyone can really think it will be. We didnt know we were going to be photographers, writers, editors and the list goes on. And yes I love m PicMonkey. Thanks for stopping by this week!!
    Hope you have a great week!

  • Lindsey

    I really don’t utilize Google + to it’s full potential. I really need to get better at carving out time for each social media site. Even if it’s just 10 minutes. Great post. Sharing on Twitter. Happy Monday to you!

  • Hean Ben

    Very useful information. I have never done a blog before and was always curious of how to start. Thank you for the information.

  • cool site

    Amazing advice
    In the thread you would post your blog link and the visitors go to your blog and while on your blog will take time to browse around and clicking on pages, going deeper into your blog, that might not otherwise be visited, this is when Alexa kicks in. It takes about 2 1/2- 3 minutes

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Thank you for taking time to read my post! I actually do link to pages and archived relevant articles to new posts.
    I’ve been working on building Alexes for years

  • Nancy Smith

    Hi Karren…

    Thanks for sharing the seven tasks of a day. I somewhat do the same – but since I’m rather new at Blogging (January 2020) – I’m still in the process of putting things in place.

    I need to work on my Blogger site with a few other things that Glenda has indicated I need. I’m enjoying the journey thus far and having the opportunity of meeting fine people like yourself!!!

    Nancy / Heart to Heart Soul Creations (H2hsc2020)

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