Plants for Your Container Garden
Most people choose to grow edible plants in their container gardens, because they don’t think of flowers or houseplants as being the same thing as container gardening. While it is the same basic principle, it’s not generally classified the same way. Most people just think the term container gardening refers to growing edible plants, so that’s what we’ll focus on here. You can grow many types of vegetables and herbs in containers, and a few types of fruit.
Herbs are the most commonly grown edible plant for containers. Vegetables come in second, and fruit isn’t grown in containers as often – probably because a lot of people think it would be too difficult to grow fruit in containers.
Fruits: Strawberries are one fruit that grows particularly well in many types of containers. Strawberries are generally quite hardy, and can even be grown in special grow bags that can be hung on a wall outdoors.
Dwarf fruit trees can often be grown in large pots. Many smaller dwarf citrus trees grow nicely in pots, and if kept well-pruned they can make beautiful indoor decorations. Many types of dwarf berry bushes will grow in containers, although they are usually very heavy and can’t be moved easily. Dwarf varieties of blueberries and raspberries have been successfully grown in containers.
Herbs: Many varieties of herbs do well in containers. Parsley is perhaps the most popular herb for container growing. Basil and chives are also extremely popular for growing in containers. Cilantro can be grown successfully in containers.
In fact, almost all herbs can be grown successfully in containers. The key is finding a large enough container. Some herbs can easily be grown in relatively small containers. Chives, parsley, and basil can all grow in smaller pots.
But some plants grow a bit larger. Sage, for example, is a bush. It needs a pretty big pot. Oregano also grows rather large, and needs a large container. Although technically a fruit, tomatoes are probably the most popular “vegetable” for home gardeners in general. Then there are the herbs in the mint family, be cautious, you will definitely want to keep these in containers as they will take over your garden if not kept in check.
Contemporary Landscape by Sausalito Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers Shades Of Green Landscape Architecture
Container gardeners are no exception, and they plant tomatoes in droves. It’s probably due mostly to the fact that good tomatoes can be very difficult to find. The tomatoes in most grocery stores are picked green and artificially ripened so they survive shipping without bruising and last longer on the shelves.
Contemporary Landscape by Petaluma Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers Steve Masley Consulting and Design
Most tomato varieties can be grown very well in containers, especially cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, roma tomatoes, and small salad tomatoes. Other plants that are commonly grown in containers include lettuce and other salad greens, cucumbers, squashes, many types of beans and peas, radishes, carrots, scallions, all types of peppers, and even corn and potatoes. Watch for Regrowing vegetables from scrapes.
Most vegetables can be grown in containers if you use the proper procedure. You can easily grow most of your plants from seeds. If you’re growing plants indoors, you can sow directly into the pot if you like, but you can risk damaging delicate seedlings during thinning.
You should probably grow most of your plants from seedlings that you purchase locally, but you can also start your own seedlings indoors in smaller pots, and then transplant them into larger pots later. It’s easier to start plants from seedlings when you can, but you may find a lot of satisfaction in starting your own.
Use a Bag To Grow A Garden: And here is something I recently found, no need for cultivating a garden or having a large space, buy a bag of garden soil,cut out a large, rectangular section from the opposite side of the plastic bag, using a utility knife. Leave a 2-inch perimeter of the plastic bag in place to keep soil from spilling out over the edges and use this as a portable planter. Create some drainage holes in the bottom. You can plant seeds that grow quickly and can be harvested like lettuce by sowing seeds and covering lightly with soil, water until it drains from bottom.
Here’s a great video that show success with planting in bags of soil:
Addition: Benefits of garden-based learning among children and youth
And more additional ideas, inspiration check out You Brew My Tea Best DIY Garden Tips
What experience have you had in gardening,have you tired planting herbs or vegetables in containers?
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I will never tire of container gardens. You wrote such a great round up, love this post!
Thanks for the compliment for the article. Containers are my only way to go since I live in a desert landscape yard and have no access to topsoil.
Appreciate your reading my post.
Have a great week!
I really enjoyed your post. My husband is retiring next month and we were just discussing possibly growing some type of garden. I will make sure he sees your post here. I especially like the lemon tree and the herbs. Thanks for sharing. It’s great to co-host with you this week.
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Hi Pamela, I glad you enjoyed the article, thanks for reading. I have to use container gardening, our home is desert landscape which means there is no bare ground that I have access to. I have had great results, no weeds and easy to care for. Watch for ore garden articles.
Happy to have you Co-Hosting with us this month. Have a fantasticday
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Such an informative post, one that I really need since I’m a newbie gardener. I love how this is all about container gardens which so many people can do, no matter where they live.
Thanks for sharing and hosting WW each week.
Oh Karren, I’m always in need of some good gardening tips!! Thank you so much for sharing this post! As always, it’s great hosting with you! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!! xx
Hi Ashleigh I do hope you can use a few of the tips or ideas, container gardening for me is the only way. It makes it so easy, Im weed free because I used the potting soil and I can move the plants around.
I have really enjoyed your help in Co-Hosting the past few months and wish you a great weekend as well. xoxo
For me it is the only way as my home is desert landscaped and I have no access to the ground. And it is versatile as I can move the plants in and out of the sun as they need.
Thanks for Co-Hosting with us, it is so fun to get to know you all.
Hope ou have a great weekend! xoxo
I’ve heard of the bag thing before, but have never tried it. It looks so simple! If I wasn’t leaving for 3 weeks this summer, I’d try it. I know I could still do radishes and quick growers. . . . we’ll see! Stopping by from Friendship Friday. Have a great weekend!
I usually plant flowers in my containers. I think I am going to try growing tomatoes in containers this year. It might be easier to give them the amount of sun and water they need if I can move them around. Thanks for your suggestion.
Hi Christa, from my experience I have had really great success with tomatoes in containers, as long as it is not hot where you live you should have repeated tomatoes. When it gets hot here, they stop producing until cooler weather in the fall. Good luck, Happy Planting and thank you for reading!!
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Herbs are a great way to dress up anything in a pot! I have a little herb garden and I love it, Thanks for the info though I learned something !
The ground where we are is full of shale and almost impossible to dig in. We have raised beds but use bags of soil for plants like squash and pumpkins. It really works out well and makes healthy plants.
Hi Melissa, we too have a problem as we have no access to the alkaline soil in our yard, we live in a desert landscaped yard and its all rock, so containers are the only way I can have plants.I have even watched a video where they use those bags of soil to plant seeds or plants in, just lay the bag, where it would be the best place for plants to grow and add plants or seeds.
Thanks for commenting on my post!
Happy gardening!
I would love to have a garden like this. Where we live the soil is very rocky
Hi Denise, I have the same problem with rocks, that is what our landscaping is around the home we lease, thus the use of containers to grow flowers and vegetables.In the past I have had regular gardens. What I did like was the video that shows using bags of soil to plant directly in, I am going to try that in a month of so for fall vegetables.
Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, hope you have the opportunity to try something in a container.
Have a great week!
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Incredible quest there. What occurred after? Take care!
Thanks for stopping by to read and comment
Stay safe and well!