Get a Blender & 4 boxes of #coffee or #tea for just $19.99 – with #Free Shipping! Wow! another deal from Gevalia! You can score 4 boxes of coffee and/or tea from Gevalia AND a blender for just .
Daily Archives: May 25, 2012
The Ultimate Purse Organizer!I found this great accessory to help organize any purse you have. I have been trying now for a month and like the way I can keep everything together without having to dig in a deep purse (my daughter coined dump purses) as you practically have to dump them out to find all that has fallen to […]
Review-Pouchee Purse Organizer!

Give your Talents the Freedom to rise above and Soar! This is a blog hop and I found it one My Turn For Us Blog So this is how it goes, as she wrote: Link up your awesome posts such as Recipes, Tutorials, Inspirational and Creative Writing, Photos, Crafts, Needlework, DIY and even Giveaways. Just about everything that is family […]
Freedom Friday Blog Hop

Unique idea for a flower miniature vase…………. A test tube vase on Pinterest When I saw the test tube vase on Pinterest I decided I would try……………. My test tube flower vase that is held together with a bit of ribbon. You could use less or more, make a stand from wood, or group a handful in another small glass or vase […]
Test Tube Flower Vase
Enter Coupon Code: 99JUNE1 Expires: 6/30/12 Direct Delivery Only Karren Haller – karrenh@gmail.com
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Memorial Day These ideas look so fancy, but you won’t believe how easy they are to make! Watermelon Star Cake A holiday that started as Decoration Day back during the civil war to remember the fallen soldiers who lost their lives but by the 20th Century was extended to honor all solders who have died in all wars. Memorial Day is the beginning of summer, a long […]
Memorial Day ~Remembering and Watermelon Star Cake

Source: via Dianne on Pinterest Memorial Day These ideas look so fancy, but you won’t believe how easy they are to make! Watermelon Star Cake A holiday that started as Decoration Day back during the civil war to remember the fallen soldiers who lost their lives but by the 20th Century was extended to honor all solders who have died in all wars. Memorial Day […]
What Does Memorial Day Mean ~Watermelon Star Cake

(3) Karren Haller Oh! My Heartsie Blog / Pinterest: “ Source: via Tânia on Pinterest “ ‘via Blog this’
Karren Haller Oh! My Heartsie Blog / Pinterest

Get 15% Off Your Purchase with Code MAYFLOWERS at! Valid Through 5/29. Get 20% Off at’s Memorial Day Sale and Get Free Shipping on Orders of $49 or More! Valid Through 5/28/12. Save 15% When You Spend $75 on Home Decor at! Valid Through 5/26/12. Get Free Shipping on orders over $50 only at Old Navy! Take […]
Weekend Shopping~I have discounts
Overview: From May 20 – June 24,2012 contestants can enter the “It Pays to Vacation at Home” sweepstakes on for a chance to win one of 20 Grand Prizes or 100 First Prizes – (Grand prize)$500 “paycheck” to vacation at home(First Prize) $25 Dollar General Gift Card. Once registered, contestants can also play our “Wipe To Win” instant game […]