My New Year Goals-One Word-Steadfast 28 comments

I am linking with Create With Joy for sharing my goals and my “One Word” for 2016 Steadfast One-Word-Steadfast-2016

Well after many health complications for my husband (3 surgeries, quad by-pass, both knees) and I, with torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder and tendinitis in my right thumb, (they tell me its the mouse) so we are working on getting better, we are looking forward to a healthier new year that’s for sure. And other fun ideas.

For the new year; I dont believe in resolutions, but I do like to plan goals to work towards. And after pondering the past year, I do have some things I would like to work on. Both for me personally and for my blog. But looking forward to “Goals”, I have a few and look forward to some fun new ideas both for myself, my husband and my blog. Oh and I reserve the right to add new ideas here to keep me on track.

And after many health complications for my husband and I that we are working on, we are looking forward to a healthier new year.
…..Lifestyle changes for me-stop making all the yummy recipes blogger share, lol-which means taking off a few pounds
…..Be more physically active this year-I would love to find a class that offers exercises I can do.
aromatherapy Homeopathic Choices-Aromatherapy: Using natural remedies in the care of our skin, pain relief, in an effort avoid toxicity of prescription drugs and over the counter remedies. Using essential oils for better health!
anniversary- Celebrate: Celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary
Beach A Vacation: Plan a trip (my husband and I have never taken a vacation) Maybe Tahiti?
blogging-team Relationships: I would like to build more relationships with other bloggers by finding them new mimes and parties
meditation-prayer Personal Growth: Take better of myself, devote more time for meditation and prayer
organizing-craft-supplies Organizing: Organization in my home (I’ve already started in my office shredding 3 bags of old paper work, bills) not through yet and of course the rest of my home’s closets. Throw 10 things out everyday. Its really not hard.

Sue Hooley PLanner

New Planner: Use my new planner for blogging projects,⇑ I love this one 2016 Planner Update: Oh and add to this new planner, Birthdays and important dates to remember to send a car, something I am really bad at. I have even bought them and dont get them in the mail.
Build-Your-Blog-ConferenceBuild Your Blog Conference
Build Your Blog Conference: Attend a blogging conference (hopefully, February in Salt Lake City) I would get to visit my daughter too!!
…Learn ways for my blog to make money …..Write better content…Networking

making-lists Lists: I love making lists to cross off, a feeling of accomplishment, just not sticky notes!!
crafting-arts-greeting-cards Crafting: Do more crafting, by finding one in my parties, to complete each week to share

I know these sound simple but if I can accomplish 75% I would be pleased.
Watch for updates on my progress, follow along!!

What are your challenges, wishes, goals or desires for 2016? Share with us below
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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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