
You-can-Organize-Your-kitchen-so-you-know-where-everything-is 2 comments
Reducing waste by organizing your kitchen Are you getting sick and tired of throwing food away every other day? It is such a shame to be throwing away food, I hate it when I have to do it. That is why I have been trying to find a way to have as little food waste as possible. And I realised […]

Reduce Waste By Organizing Your Kitchen So You Know Exactly ...

One-Word-Steadfast-2016 28 comments
I am linking with Create With Joy for sharing my goals and my “One Word” for 2016 Steadfast  Well after many health complications for my husband (3 surgeries, quad by-pass, both knees) and I, with torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder and tendinitis in my right thumb, (they tell me its the mouse) so we are working on getting better, we […]

My New Year Goals-One Word-Steadfast