Well another week passes and boy have I been busy. During the last week I participated in a Blogathon, accomplished many tasks needed to do, you could read more here, then about 2 weeks ago I joined a new association called International Bloggers Association, and now I am VP of Member Support, keeping up with following and sharing all posts for new members has kept me busy. I love it, and I have the opportunity to meet bloggers that show support to one another, building great relationships. Its a great new organization and if you have not had a chance and would like to become involved, looking for blog support, then I invite you to check it out by visiting IBA Application or Check them out on Facebook And to explore a little further you can find articles written about blogging by our members you can Read About Here
Now for Weekends Are Fun it is a fun blog hop for many different kinds of posts, whether you have just made something, written a tutorial, have a recipe to share, flowers, garden ideas, inspiration, well you get the idea. I would love for you to share your blog, and do me a favor and share this hop. Last week we had a lot more interest and thanks to those that shared, it will continue to grow. I want this to build, so as everyone knows sharing is an important of getting the word out.
We all know that when your blogs are shared on Google + and Pinterest theres a good chance you will either be followed or repinned. Here’s our board so far!!

Its Me, Karren~ Your Host Thanks for stopping by:)
NEW to “Weekends Are Fun” it is my way of giving back to all those who take time to visit comment and follow. I am featuring blogs from previous parties.
Amy had the cutest post about hand-prints painting I wanted to share If you follow her blog then you know that she loves roundups. This roundup was fun to gather- handprint crafts!
Animal Handprint Art for every letter of the alphabet from Craftulate
So on With The Party Here “The” Guidelines
♥ Link up your blog
♥ Please share on Google + under the post to share to your friends and Tweet it good!
♥ Leave me a comment
Let me know if you are following, or have shared our party on your blog or if you shared so I can reciprocate ♥ When you comment I Pin!
Create With Joy | Freedom Fridays | My Turn For Us | Fresh Link Friday Type Mommie | A Party Bunch | Fabulous Finds & Linky Party | Facebook Fridays | So Much At Home Linky
Fabulously Frugal Thursday Linky Party #70 | Make My Saturday Sweet Link Up |Sincerely Paula’s No Rules Bloghop | G’Day Saturday Blog Party | Weekly Wrap Up Linky | Lets Get Real Party | Featured On Truly Lovely | Pretty Pintastic Party |The Pin It Party |Ultimate Link Party | T.G.I.F. Link Party | Weekend No Rules Blog Hop | Crafty Spices Follow Who? | My Snipits of Inspiration Weekend Linky | Friday Pretty Pintastic Party | Super Saturday Linky Party
Posts of Interest
How To Create Fun Graphics For Your Blog | Facebook Fridays | Join Us For Pinfest
Hi Karren,
Did you make that new header at the blogathon?
It looks awesome!
I love supporting other bloggers and am very interested in the IBA!
On my list of things to do!
Have a great weekend and be sure to stop by and enter some of our book giveaways – it’s a great way to build up your summer stash! 🙂
Thanks for hosting! I shared my DIY Glow Party.
Thanks for hosting!
Hi Karren:)
Thanks for another great party!!!Love it!!!
Have a happy weekend:)
Thanks for hosting a fun party!
I’ve linked up my kitchen film crew post and linked back to you from that post!
Hi Karren! Thanks for hosting this party. I was looking for your button but couldn’t seem to find it. I’d like to put it on my Photo Tips Friday blog post.
If you could point me in the right direction, that would be great!
Hi Mary, I had moved it for a while, it is in the sidebar about 3/4 of the way down. Thanks for stopping by I appreciate it! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!