Spring Container Gardening at My House

Ok, spring is here and we are in the process of planing container gardens for growing  vegetable and some wonderful flowers. I live in a gated community and they have strict rules about what we can and cant do with our yards, going through the process of drawing up plans and getting them approved in front of the board. I have a desert landscaped yard which means, “no grass”, which I am ok with, less up keep and saves a ton of precious water in the desert.

Garden Before Cleaning
Garden After Cleaning

But I still like to have a few fresh vegetable, there is nothing better than home grown tomatoes and some peppers, chives, and hopefully I will try for squash this year. In the last couple of years I have planted eggplants, broccoli and potatoes, the potatoes did not do well, my soil base was not deep enough.

My son has been busy building some awesome containers for these miniature gardens, I call him “MacGyver”, as he can do anything he puts his hands on. 
Container Garden
Container Being Waterproofed 
 I also have a compost pile that I put all my vegetable scraps and earth worms that help break down this green waste. We are organically minded as for the last 16 years we have manufactured a product that is sold world wide called MicroSoil®, I use it on anything that grows, as it is an organic, non-chemical fertilizer, safe for people, plants and pets. 

As our container gardens come along I will be updating this post to show you what I have going on. I will be taking pictures to share, so you can see what I see.

Thanks for reading and if you would like to check out our business website you can do so at Biomassters.com for more information about MicroSoil®.

My Tomatoes, Herbs and Flowers to Plants

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done