Saturday Updates Fun Announcements You Dont Want To Miss 1 comment

Happy Saturday where ever you are, I hope you are warm having a cup of your favorite drink, my choice is a cup of Gavilla Coffee, the second one this morning as I brace for the day. Its tax time and will be posting to Quickbooks, yuck not fun, but hey, I have someone to help me, Yeah!!Saturday Updates

So I needed something to do on Saturday morning and decided to create a new event, Saturday Updates. It will change weekly with my favorite post, maybe shopping for my favorite finds and my Friday Features party, I just wanted to be sure you didnt miss that. So many creative and talented bloggers, amazing!

So now, I have a couple of fun things to share, first I just post a really fun fashion posted, all about How To Where Vintage Fashions Like a Pro~Lots of Ideas with lots of ideas, check it out! It comes from my favorite Author Sophia Smith, shes my fashion writer. Dont miss it!Add a hint of the vintage vibe

Then I have these great shopping deals that come from, the sale just started a few hours ago and these are a few that caught my eye. By the way, they are affiliate links, so should you find something you love I might make a few penances. This site is like going to Target, you never know what you will choose because there is so much. They have the cutest prints for the home that you can frame, fashions, of course, baby clothes, shoes, and fun purses as you can see I chose a few. So click and take a look, I just got a bunch of packages, succulents, and several bracelets!! My favorite “jewelry”.

Then there is Friday Features where you can link up all your favorite posts, even from deep in your blog, the best kind because the gurus say that’s a good thing to do. So link everything, whether they are sharing their home, creative crafts or fabulous recipes, there’s just not enough space to share them all. And a comment makes it all worthwhile!Friday Features Instagram Post~~Karren I’m Your Host // Oh My Heartsie Girl
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Don’t Miss the great features check them out here: Orignal Post


If you have not already signed up to follow and get the latest updates so be sure to do so, I would appreciate it. And please be so kind as to leave me a comment, they are golden and I love everyone!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

One thought on “Saturday Updates Fun Announcements You Dont Want To Miss

  • Alice V-DIYerfy

    I have yet to do my own taxes in 10 years. It’s one of those things I rather not do. I’ve yet to shop at and I know you’ve posted before about them so I’m checking it out.

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