These few indicators will let you know when you are ready to improve your health and fitness levels?
1. You stop all of the excuses. When you're ready you're 100% honest with yourself and you recognize that you played some or even a huge part in the situation that you're in. You take full responsibility for all of the mistakes that you have made.
2. You make a real choice. You're no longer satisfied being overweight, and out of shape. You've got your eyes on the prize and are starting to focus.
3. You set a main goal for your health, weight loss and fitness. You use mini goals as tiny markers between you and your main goal.
4. You plan, this takes some thinking. You figure out the who, what when, where and how of how you will reach your main goal.
And then ….
5. You consistently and relentlessly work your plan until you have reached your goal. You never give up when setbacks and problems arise because you know with all of your heart that you can do this. You maintain your goal once you reach it.
When you are ready to reach for your goals there is nothing that can stand in your way. Nothing will stop you from achieving them because you are so determined, so laser focused that you just keep on going despite the obstacles that may jump in your way. You'll climb walls and mountains, swing from trees and jump through hoops of blazing fire to make it happen.
Are you ready? Click here!
Alice Coaxum is a happily married homeschooling mother of 4 teenage daughters. She is a Beachbody Coach help others to improve their health and fitness, writer and web host. You can create a free account at Team Beachbody to track your measurements, log your workouts and make new friends and workout buddies.
*Alice Coaxum is an Independent Beachbody Coach.
Working on losing some menopause pounds right now. xo P.S. did you get your entry in for my new giveaway?