Mondays Reflection #Linkyparties 9 comments

Mondays Refllection

Its Me, Karren~ Your Host Please Follow Me :)

Its Me, Karren~ Your Host                      I would love for you Follow Me 🙂


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As you might have noticed we have a new look, what do you think so far I have had some nice comments, Thank you! And Thank you also for joining me today for Mondays Reflection, the party lasts for 4 days and you can add new links. As I am reflecting back on guests that have shared their blogs with us in our other Monday parties. This week I thought it would be nice to share some of the great summer foods that our guests have prepared. And it would be great if you took a moment to share to Google+ with the Hashtag #Linkyparties Featured~Starting with~

Caprese Basil Round Up from The Coconut Heads Survival  Holly would love it if you stop by to say hello and take a look around this week. She has products for sale, talks about family and cancer survival.1-CapreseRound Coconut Head Survival

Moving on, I visited Cindy over at Miss Little Celebration we have featured before, this is her recipe for Rotini, Tomato & Feta Cheese a light pasta salad that would be great with an outdoor barbecue!  Stop by and get to know Cindy at Little Miss Celebrations Cindy Eikenberg does scrapbooking, crafts & has many more recipes to share.

2-Rotini Salad Little Miss Celebration

Added to our entree, I visited Shari Lynne over at Faith Filled Food For Moms and this easy to make but wonderful addition to any meal is her Guacamole Stuffed Cucumber  & she has many more ideas from her kitchen, crafts and gardening.

Guacamole-Stuffed-Cucumber Faith FFilled Food For moms

We needed some beverages so I visited Arlene Mobley from Flour on My Face to find this refreshing beverage with citrus and other fruits, lime soda for a sparkling Pink Moscato Sangria. Arlene would love you to visit to share Retro and Copy Cat recipes. Pink-Moscato-Sangria-flouronmyface

For strawberry lovers, I stopped over to visit Katherine’s Corner to share her Mini she honored National Strawberry Days, with this Mini Strawberry Truffle, Katherine has a lot to share and would welcome your hope you will visit a few of the blogs 

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summer 2014 giveaway

Stop By And Enter The Summer Giveaway

Please note that by linking up, you are giving me permission, to add your email to our party notifications and you also give permission, that should I feature one of your lovely blog posts, pictures and text in the coming weeks, that I give credit and #linkbacks to your blog.

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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