
Parenting topics about toddlers, teen bullying, teen driving, and kids health and responsibility of being a parent

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts 1 comment
How technology has created addiction for our children  Technology is ubiquitous. One cannot go anywhere without being confronted by technology in some form. Technology has made advances for many professions from medicine to education. Social media has connected individuals with one another, so much so, that people living thousands of miles apart can connect at any time of the day. […]

Are Our Children Addicted To Technology-How It Effects Kids

Moms Resources Tools And Guidance When Teaching Toddlers
Activities to Help Early Learning in Toddlers   A child’s brain is most receptive during the first three years of life and early learning can have a fundamental impact on future growth, health, and happiness. Experts believe that social and learning experiences during these formative stages help to shape the brain’s architecture and provide a foundation for future development and […]

Moms Resources: Tools And Guidance When Teaching Toddlers

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts 3 comments
How to Handle Cyberbullying Simply said, cyberbullying is the use of technology to bully, harass, threaten, embarrass, humiliate or target another person. It can include texting, instant messaging, or emailing and can be found on online forums, chat rooms and social media. Unlike other forms of bullying, cyberbullying doesn’t require face-to-face contact so coping with it can be very difficult. […]

How to Handle Cyberbullying

7 Ways to Connect With Kids During the Holiday Season
7 Ways to Connect With Kids During the Holiday Season During busy times of the year such as the holidays, it can seem as if there is no time to stop and enjoy a moment with your children. However, it’s crucial that you carve out a little time for the youngest members of your family. Otherwise, you risk leaving them […]

7 Ways to Connect With Kids During the Holiday Season

A New Parent's Sleep Guide For Babies and Adults 2 comments
A New Parent’s Guide For Better Sleep As soon-to-be parents, you already know that your little bundle of joy will need their sleep. But while many babies can sleep through eight or nine hours without a fuss, it can occasionally be a challenge to make sure that everyone gets the sleep they need. There is no magic wand, but there […]

Parenting: 3 Tips-A New Parent’s Sleep Guide For Babies and ...

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts
Although there are some common influences, there’s no exact reason why teens abuse drugs and alcohol. In fact, teens who come from supportive homes are susceptible to influence and abuse, too. If your teen doesn’t fall into one of the below-mentioned risk factors, that doesn’t mean they’re not abusing substances. Look for the warning signs of abuse, and if you […]

The Leading Factors that Influence Teens to Abuse Drugs or ...

TOys-for-Solving-Problems Collage 3 comments
Brain Boosting Activities for Your Little Ones Nurturing the setting which will create a positive learning experience for children is a part of the parent’s job description. In the first months of their lives, that can be done by reading and talking to them, listening to music together, etc. Later on, as they grow older, your children will want to […]

Creative and Brain Boosting Toys For Little Ones