Daily Archives: December 4, 2016

Three Totally Out of the Box Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained   “I’m bored.” Ever hear that, I cant tell you how many time I have over the years, zillons I think!! Many parents can’t stand those words, likely because they do everything in their power to keep their children entertained. However, sometimes kids flat out need a break […]

What Happens When Kids Get Bored or Have Short Attention ...

TOys-for-Solving-Problems Collage 3 comments
Brain Boosting Activities for Your Little Ones Nurturing the setting which will create a positive learning experience for children is a part of the parent’s job description. In the first months of their lives, that can be done by reading and talking to them, listening to music together, etc. Later on, as they grow older, your children will want to […]

Creative and Brain Boosting Toys For Little Ones

Brentwood Bedding Products 3 comments
Some of my most restful nights of sleep were while we were camping in the mountains, however, at home getting a good nights sleep means being comfortable first. And that starts with a good pillow, comfy clothes and a nice bed!! Next Up a Great Opportunity To Win The Pillow Bundle!! Brentwood Home Holistic Wellness Has a Bundle They Are Offering […]

Review: Brentwood Sleep Wellness Bundle ($269.00)