
Have you ever had a neck or back injury? Or do you know someone that has developed a problem from arthritis in their neck or back? There are so many reports and studies on these types of maladies. Including yours truly. Over the years and due to falls or car accidents, those past injuries have surfaced starting with having pain […]

Neck and Back Pain and What I Have Tried

Battling Arthritis with Appropriate Exercise
As you read this, it is worth noting that there are many people who are battling arthritis in one or more appropriate ways. Apart from the proper medication and preventive measures, there is a big concern whether or not exercise is good for arthritis. But before we answer this, let me explain briefly what arthritis is. This illness affects any […]

Battling Arthritis with Exercise

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts
Joint pain is very painful, reduces the mobility and thus the quality of life. Both the winter and summer seasons are particularly harsh for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Cold, moisture, extreme heat and rain are factors that increase pain, stiffness and muscle contractions. Not many people are aware that, even with joint pain, a change in diet in combination with […]

How To Relieve Pain Caused By Arthritis