Bloggers Burnout “That’s Me” 15 comments

Bloggers Burnout!!Well I did it,  I hit it, the blogging wall, ready to quit, I have to tell you I am feeling burned out at the moment, I have been on a party binge and posting frenzy for over the last two months and it has increased visitors to my blog, which has been fantastic, and I appreciate you all, thats what its all about right? But I have been feeling lately, really depressed that I cannot keep up. Between creating posts, hosting parties, visiting and writing comments (and I am serious about responding to visitors) attending all the parties and writing a meaningful comment, making it around to all my social media to share for myself and others, pinning, creating banners, reading information on building my blog I have found on Pinterest and other places (many I have signed up to receive) I don’t have the time and the energy to keep up, burning the candle at both ends. I am beat!!! Blogger Beat!

What I Want image
About 6 months ago I thought besides writing things to share, blog tutorials, sharing recipes and such, entering blog challenges for the purpose of creating content (that I have not been able to complete) then, I went out and bought a bunch of stuff for creating things like cards, crocheting, jewelry, crafts, all kinds of things, it was fun, to have things to take pictures and write about, my office is filled to the brim with supplies, but I haven’t had time to get to them, because of my blogging frenzy. So needless to say, it has put me in a tizzy and making me nervous, I cant sleep trying to plan and when I do have time, I cant concentrate to write a decent post to share and thats not my style. Calendars are great but all the time is full with all that I have been doing so I have decided it is high time to make changes, clear the air and calendar.

This is what I want and need to do
Sleep, not wake up at 4 AM to turn on the computer, thinking about blogging
I want to be able to have clarity of thinking and write quality postsI want to be able to go back through my notes and links for the ideas, and inspiration that I want to write about to share. (I have been saving these for a long time and have tons to write about, but just have not had the time.)  I need to stop having so many of my own parties and co-host with others.
Stop trying to keep up with the blogging world quit so much, (I’m 66 years old, I need to relax a little, spend time in my garden, maybe read a book, visit friends, go to lunch, cant remember the last time I did that). So the insanity needed to stop.

So that I didnt feel alone in this, I went in search for other bloggers that feel the same way and actually I found one, in particular, she inspired me and gave me the courage for the decisions I am making. There were tons of comments on her post, that they (bloggers) do feel the same way. Its not bad, it will actually be a good thing. She has so many similar thoughts, it was like she was saying what I felt. I decided it was time for me to bite the bullet and relinquish some of what I have been doing and regroup. I think sometimes we need to take a step back and figure out a new plan. I hope things will get better with my little changes, so I dont just stop blogging. If you want to read more of her story check it out here . An update to my post is that I have had so many wonderful comments and another blogger that has similar feelings and I wanted to share her blog link so if you want to read her story Debbie-Dabble

How about you? What are your thoughts? Do you ever feel anxiety about blogging or does everything run smooth? If it does how do you do it?Changes

And now that I have finally admitted that I am frustrated and tired, I have decided the first thing that has to be put on hold (until I get a wonder woman blogging costume) will be my Weekends Are Fun Party, sad to say, I have enjoyed these very much, they are different than Wordless Wednesdays, I have been sharing other bloggers posts and enjoyed every minute of that and appreciate all those that have visited to participate, everyone of you!! I will still be active with other parties and have other ways of sharing. Even writing this I have posts scheduled, that I’am committed too, so I will continue blogging, just not the way in which it takes so much time, I appreciate your support without you, my blog would not be.

If you have read this to the end, thank you for being my shoulder to lean on, I appreciate it!!! 

Article Linked to
*Create With Joy Friendship Friday
*Joy Care Capture Your Linkup
*Mrs Tee Mommy Monday Blog

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

15 thoughts on “Bloggers Burnout “That’s Me”

  • Glenna @ My Paper Craze

    Karren, I don’t believe there is a single blogger that can’t relate to what you’re going through. I truly believe you have to put yourself first and the rest will fall into place. We only get one go around at life and it’s not going to stop and wait on us. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Vickie

    I will miss the “weekends are fun” party, but I totally understand! You need to take care of you first. BTW – I think all bloggers feel this way at one time or another. I’ve hit that wall several times already! 😉

  • Mary Denman

    Karren, You’e not alone. 🙂 I took 3 months off in Jan, Feb and March of this year. I needed to recover from surgery and it was the right decision. I have honestly wondered how you get around so many blogs!!

    Go rest and enjoy life and come back when you’re ready. We’ll still be here for you. 🙂

    Thanks for all the hosting you did!

  • Christina Morley

    Sorry about the burnout! I also find blogging very time-consuming. I hope you get to enjoy all those crafting projects that you want to get to. I’ll miss the weekend blog hop. Thanks for having hosted it and take care!

  • Suzanne Lucas

    I hit that a wall a few weeks ago, and I took some time to redesign my blog and migrate to WordPress. I was virtually non-existent on my site for a couple of weeks, but when I came back, I realized that I needed to spend time with real live people (face-to-face versus on the computer). It’s amazing how caught up one can get on their computer, and the next thing you know, summer’s gone. Sheesh!

    Enjoy your break and you’re right, slowing down is not going to hurt your blog.

  • Comedy Plus

    I did this long ago. I now do so many other things and I’m no longer stressed. It’s a wonderful feeling. Just enjoy life away from the computer.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  • karren Post author

    Thanks for your comment, I will be taking a break from a few of the parties I host and enjoy visiting other bloggers, lol I cant stop altogether.
    Wishing you a great week

  • karren Post author

    I have hit these walls several times over the years, I think what brought it on, was all the parties I host and those of others I host on my blog, it just became to much to keep up with, left me no time for my regular blog posts. Thanks for your support!

  • karren Post author

    Hi Christina, thanks for your sweet comment, I will try for one of my projects. I will still be here though, checking out what everyone is up to.
    Have a great week!!

  • karren Post author

    Lol Mary, Im not sure how I was either, I do get up to early. I wont be far from my log though, just taking a break from all the parties I was hosting, it takes a lot of time to get around to promote them, then the comments at the party and replies on my comments as well. So this will help so I can focus on some other parts of blogging. Thanks for your support, I appreciate it.
    Have a great week!

  • karren Post author

    Thank you Vickie for your support, I will still be here, just not so much partying. I’ve hit these walls before, just need to get refocused.
    Have a great week!

  • karren Post author

    Hi Glenna, I appreciate your understanding, I think I have hit these walls many times since I started blogging, I just needed a break. I also hit one with hosting a lot of giveaways, not only my own but I stopped signing up to host them too. We all learn our limitations when this happens. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, enjoy your week! Karren

  • Elizabeth

    Karren, I can relate. Sometimes it seems like in an effort to keep up, I don’t get to do the things I actually enjoy with blogging…write quality stuff. I am much less busy than you, but even still I feel the pressure to “do” stuff to make visitors come and bloggers happy, and the pressure then leads me to feel that I am not o.k. What a great post. I am sure you have found so many that relate to exactly what you are feeling. Thanks for being vulnerable and brave enough to share with all of us!! What an inspiration you are.

  • karren Post author

    Hi Elizabeth, thanks for commenting on this post, it is comforting to know that I am not alone. I like you want to write more relevant and useful posts, I just let myself get caught up in all the parties both that I was hosting and attending others. It seems that was getting me a lot of visitors because as I visited I would comment and they would return the favor. So I am changing that and will be writing more and partying less. Thanks again for stopping by, much appreciated.

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