6 Things to Keep in Mind before Getting Quad Wefted Hair Extensions 1 comment

6 Things to Keep in Mind before Getting Quad Wefted Hair Extensions

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Hair extensions promise magical transformation to the way you look. However, this is only true when you go for the right length and type of extension. You may be faced with the dilemma of choosing what works for you in terms of colour, length and even texture. If you are trying out hair extensions for the first time, here are some things you need to keep in mind before making a purchase:

  • Get a professional to install the extension – You will do well to ensure that you get a professional hair stylist to insert the quadwefted hair extensions in your hair. This is because, while in most cases extensions appear to be easy and fun to install by yourself, you could end up causing damage to your hair. Remember, a good professional understands the procedure well and will ensure that your hair is protected from any damage that could be caused by the extensions.
  • Avoid tightening the extensions – When installing the extensions, always make sure that they are not too tight. Should you experience any sort of discomfort or pain, then be sure to let your hair stylist know so that they can rectify it before you leave the salon. This will save your hair from damage and prevent any pain or discomfort that may be caused by the extensions.
  • Check that the extensions are of good quality – By now you must know that there are different qualities of hair extensions on the market. Not every extension will give you that dramatic look you are seeking to achieve. Therefore, always ensure that you go for good-quality extensions. You must be willing to pay the price because good-quality extensions tend to be more expensive. However, the advantage is that they will not cause damage to your hair.
  • Take care of your natural hair – As you get your hair extension fixed, you must not neglect your natural hair. Always remember that the hair extensions are temporary and that your natural hair is what matters the most. Besides, when your hair is damaged, it will become difficult to style. Thus, ensure your hair is treated regularly using the right hair treatment for your hair type. You must also take good care of it by oiling it regularly and avoiding too much of heat treatment as it tends to weaken it.

In conclusion, you must always ensure that you take various factors of hair care into account when choosing hair extensions. Perhaps you will do well to examine the pros and cons of the different hair extension types and methods of installation before you can make a decision on which one will work best for your needs.

If you are not too familiar with virgin hair extensions, do not shy away from speaking to your hair stylist about it. Remember, they are usually well informed about the trends in hair extensions and are best suited to make recommendations based on what you are seeking to achieve. You can also carry out independent research or speak to a few friends to make recommendations based on firsthand experience.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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