5 Ways to Save on Back to School Supplies 26 comments

5 Ways to Save on Back to School Supplies

Ah, the back to school shopping season. Moms and dads everywhere frantically search for the best deals on pens, pencils, paper and more. Despite all of the bargain hunting, the endeavor always seems to be rather costly. How exactly can you save on back to school supplies?

Last Year’s Items
At the end of the school year, don’t fling extra notebooks, pens, paper and other supplies into the garbage. Hold on to it for the following year. If your child doesn’t need certain items anymore, a younger sibling might!

Start Shopping Early
As long as you have the back to school shopping list early on, start your shopping. Items become more expensive when they are in season, so prices are likely to be higher in September than in May or June. Even if you don’t have an exact list, your child is probably going to need a few basic staples such as a lunch bag, book bag, pens and pencils. Hit the stores before the prices start to soar.

Scout Out Online
Prices are likely to be comparable on items such as folders, pens, pencils and notebooks regardless of whether you buy them online or in the store. However, larger items such as calculators can be much more expensive in the stores. Check online at websites such as Amazon. Instead of buying a brand new calculator for $100 or more, you may be able to find a preowned one for nearly half the cost. Make sure that the seller has excellent reviews so that you know the calculator is in mint working condition.

Don’t Buy Cheap
While a very cheap folder might seem tempting during the late August/early September rush, you don’t want to have to constantly purchase new folders. Take the quality of the product into consideration while you are buying it. If it is just going to fall apart in a couple of months, you are better buying something that is a bit more expensive now than dealing with the aggravation and the cost of replacing it later. It may be more expensive up front, but it will save you money in the end.

Coupons, Sales, Deals 
Whenever you want to buy something for a discounted rate, you need to be a savvy shopper. Go through the weekly circulars and see what is for sale this week. Check out coupon websites, and wait for your favorite websites to offer sales. Chances are, at least some of local stores will run some specials in the weeks leading up to school. Keep an eye on them, and head to the store as soon as you hear that paper, pens, pencils and the like are on sale.

Buying back to school supplies, especially when you have multiple children, can really run you a pretty penny. Instead of blowing your bank account on these items this year, take the time to plan ahead. Smart shoppers are usually the happiest shoppers because they know how to find great deals without compromising on quality.

Roger Morales writes about parenting, finance & family travel at boatinsurance.org.

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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