Welcome to the “Oh My Heartsie Girl” Weekends Are Fun, I appreciate that you have stopped by and want you to join in the “Weekends Are Fun” Linky, meet new bloggers and find some bloggy friends this weekend!! Share recipes, crafts, ideas, tutorials, fun family friendly posts, please, not to your main blog link.
Please Tweet to Share and comments are welcomed!! Please also signup by email to follow my blog to receive the latest events and posts. And Linky Followers..
I would love if you Follow One of My New Links on my New Twitter & New Facebook
and New Pinterest Board as I’m starting over.
Here are other Weekend hops
♥Friday Blog Hop ♥Freedom Friday ♥Family Fun Friday Blog Hop Lets Get Socail Super Handmade Sunday Super Sunday Sync
Wordless Wednesday is still open if you want to add to that Linky Click Here
Just a note: I would love to share something from your blog or a guest post, if you would like more info So if this sounds like something that you would be interested in doing its easy to signup. Click on this Form To Signup Its easy to do and you will be glad you did.If you have questions whether this is for you, I would love to help, you are welcome to contact me at { karrenh@ gmail.com }
Add your giveaway events to the ongoing Linky, visit often and find other giveaway and events… Click On Banner
And here’s something I am working on this weekend for the upcoming Wordless Wednesday I call “What I Made Yesterday Is Wordless Wednesday”
Thanks for hosting. Just found your blog and love it!
Thanks so much for sharing our Let’s Get Social Sunday too 🙂
Hi Jamie your welcome. Have a great week!!
I was already following on Twitter & Pinterest, but I’m following on FB now too. Thanks for linking to Super Sunday Sync.