Welcome to The Ultimate Party on G+!
I wanted to share with you one of our entries from last week. Meet Candice. I am a full-time mommy and part-time blogger. My blog is an online journal of my struggles over the years with faith, addiction, and life in general. It is also filled with a variety of DIY projects.
Creativity and my faith have brought me so much peace. I share my craft projects and life stories on my blog in hopes of bringing some of that peace to others. Learn more about me and hopefully find some inspiration in life and crafting at CandaceCreates.com…
Why do we do a G+ party at all, and why do we do it on Fridays?
- Posting on G+ helps with SEO optimization.
- Friday is supposed to be the best time for interaction on G+, specifically between 11a.m. – 2 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m
- To help you gain more followers on G+. (We’ll have a G+ circle that we share every week for those who link up.)
- To interact with and get to know other bloggers.
- BECAUSE IT’S FUN!! Why do a party if it isn’t going to be fun?
Now let’s party!
Thank you for linking up and joining our party. We will remind people to link up every single Friday as it helps us know who is participating in our party, and which people are being by spammers by just using the hashtag #theultimateparty.
Please follow all the hosts on Google+. (The hosts are the first 5 people linked up below):
- +Tammy Doiel from Creative K Kids
- +Tammy A from My Life Abundant
- +Kim P from KidPep
- +Paula Kumert from Paula-Buenos Aires
- Cohost: +Julie Cavaney from Julie in the Making
- Cohost: +Karren Haller from Oh My Heartsie Girl
Here is a little extra information for this party:
- You can follow our G+ page (The Ultimate Party) if you want to see our updates!
- If you wish, you can follow our Pinterest board called The Ultimate Party where all of your hosts can pin your great posts.
- Optional: You can include your pin URL that coincides with your post on G+ so that others can pin it if they want to do so.
- If you would like to co-host this party for a month, please leave us a comment on The Ultimate Party G+ page or email +Tammy Doiel at creativekkids@creativekkids(dot)com.
- We would love it if you grabbed our button!

Please share this party on G+ and on any other social media that you would like to share it on. The larger this party grows, the more your posts get boosted!

Wordless Wednesday, Ends 3/6 Enter Now For A Chance To Win
When you add your link to the linky party along with your email, it will be used to send you a weekly email only used for the invitation to join us for Wordless Wednesday and gives Oh My Heartsie Girl blog permission to share your posts, pictures and links if chosen, in upcoming posts. Any content used will have proper credit and Link backs will be provided.Thank you, Karren