Beauty Series: The Best Tips For African American Hair You Can Do Today 1 comment

The Best Tips For African American Hair You Can Do Today

African American hair is gorgeous and unique. You don’t find just anyone having naturally curly and thick hair so you should be proud of your roots! But because of its thickness, it may be hard to maintain. You find a lot of girls struggling to keep their curly hair untangled and shiny, and it makes you question how they do it. Fortunately, there are tips for African American hair without having to create a whole in your wallet.

Are you wondering what these tips for African American hair are? Read on as I show you the best tips to maintain your thick and naturally curly hair!

Tips for African American Hair

                Hair Tips for African Hair

I know the feeling of having naturally thick and curly hair. It might seem like a hassle to keep it looking great, but you’ll be surprised to know how easy it is!

Here are the things I do for amazing African American hair:

  1. Lessen the Heat

When you put too much heat or pressure into your hair, it will end up drying out and looking dull. Avoid too much sun and reduce the use of saunas or low-quality flatirons.

If using flatirons is part of your hair routine, then I suggest you invest in flat irons suitable for African American hair to avoid excessive damage or dryness to your thick hair!

  1. Deep Protein Treatments

Deep Protein treatments are vital in reconstructing damaged hair, making it stronger because of the abundance of protein that works on rebuilding hair strands. You can find good protein conditioners but only use it twice a week at most.

After a deep protein treatment, dry it efficiently with a hooded dryer, as they are known for better styling and efficient drying without the risk of drying your hair out too much.

  1. Reduce Chemical Consumption

Using chemical-induced hair products is the main reason why your hair gets damaged easily. If you go to the salon for a lot of treatments or beautifying processes, thenI suggest to limit it to once every few weeks. Not only will this save your hair from the excess chemical consumption, but it saves you from expensive salon fees as well.

You can make your chemical-free moisturizer or solutions to keep your hair soft and healthy. It’s easy, inexpensive, and all-natural!

  1. Eat Healthily

Eating right is another crucial part of keeping your hair healthy. Did you know that eating junk or processed sugars aren’t only detrimental to your waistline, but your hair as well? Avoid any processed food, as the chemicals and preservatives found here can damage your hair.

Instead, focus on food that encourages hair growth and health. Protein is great for building your hair strands and keeping it protected against any pollution or treatment. Also, go for omega-3, healthy fatty acids that naturally moisturize and soften your hair. Vitamin B and C are other essential vitamins you need as well.

Go natural with lean protein to not only keep your body healthy but your thick and beautiful hair as well!

  1. Cleanse and Moisturize More

Washing your hair daily will help keep the bacteria and pollution away from your hair, but you have to do more than the usual shampoo!

Use deep moisturizers and conditioners to improve your hair’s health. It’s not just for keeping your hair smooth and silky, but it also encourages better hair growth as well. If you’re planning to grow your hair out, then keep it moisturized with the right brands for brunettes and curly hair.

Don’t use grease or oil that weigh your hair down, as they would also affect how your hair grows. Go for reputable conditioner brands such as Suave or Pantene.

  1. Trim Your Hair Regularly

While you might want to grow your hair our, cutting it regularly will help make it grow without the dryness. Make sure to cut less than an inch now and then, removing the split ends. While you can do it in a salon, you can also have a family member or trusted friend cut the split ends accurately. It lessens the risk of cutting it too short if you did it yourself.

In Conclusion
Hair Tips for African Hair-2

You should take care of your hair to make it look nice and stay healthy for a lifetime. While you might feel maintaining your African American hair is difficult, there are easy solutions you can follow to keep it looking beautiful and tangle-free!

I hope that these tips for African American hair helped you become more knowledgeable about what to do to achieve gorgeous hairstyles today. So what are you waiting for? Try any of these tips today and show off the lustrous bounce of your hair today!

Hair Care Articles:
Beauty Series: Hair Styling With Hair Extensions
Beauty Series: Did You Know There Are 5 Seasons To Your Hair
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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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