Tips to Help You Excel in Your Cornhole Game

Cornhole games will make your time fun and competitive, whether you are just playing with friends or family or in a high-stake tournament. You will enjoy the adrenaline rush as you will have to think quickly and be more creative throughout the game. Whether you are an expert player or you are just looking forward to a game with loved ones, these playing tips will help you excel in this game. Tips to Help You Excel in Your Cornhole Game

 Ensure your bag is flat

If you keep the bag bunched up when holding it in your hands, it will tumble all over, making it difficult to go through the board. You should avoid wadding the bag up like a ball when tossing it. This is because you will have challenges trying to get it through the board’s hole. Make sure the bag is flat on your palm, with four fingers at the bottom of the bag and your thumb at the top.

Fling four ways

Every cornhole player should master four crucial shots: the slider, push, air mail, and blocker. The slider involves landing the bag on the board front approximately 6inches from the hole and then sliding it in. Blocker is just dropping the bag close to the hole to prevent your opponent from using the slider. Air mail is sending the bag directly through the hole. And the push is just nudging the bag into the hole or knocking a blocker out of your way.

Always aim for the middle of the cornhole board

This may seem obvious for most people because the hole is located in the middle of the board. Whether the bag is going into the hole or not, to win this game, you need to consistently aim at the middle of the playing board. This way, the bean bag toss replacement bags will not be on the opponent’s side. This is a defensive strategy called a blocker shot and is mainly used in professional games.


If you want to excel in a game of cornhole, you should keep practicing consistently. This is because you will only get better at this game if you practice consistently. This will help you learn new strategies that you can use whenever you play and you will also become better with continuous practice. So get out there and keep playing.


When playing cornhole game, it is crucial for every player to relax. Just like any other sport, the major obstacle for winning this game is usually in your head. Most players will lose different games because of a mental breakdown and not lack of skills or energy. Whenever you think too much about the game or winning, you will get nervous. Relax your body and mind and have fun with your friends or family.

To increase your chances of excelling in cornhole game, you should utilize double-sided bags when playing. These double-sided bags are mainly used by professionals and they will feature a suede side for better sticking shots on to the board and a canvas side that boosts speed. With a double-sided bag, you will be able to counteract most of the things that can block you from winning and you will have a higher chance of excelling in this game.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done