What You Should Know Before Going In For a Tattoo Removal by Laser
If you have gone in for a tattoo that no longer seems appropriate or desirable, you are probably thinking about getting it removed. Removing tattoos is unfortunately far more complicated than having them in the first place and it is important that you do not compromise either your expectations or your safety. Some useful tips:
Be Realistic About Your Expectations
You need to be very clear that there are no guarantees when it comes to removing tattoos. Even with the best of laser treatments, there are some tattoos that only fade leaving behind a ghost image and some permanent scarring. So, it is at this stage that you should think about opting for a cover-up instead of a removal.
Removal Can’t Be Done In Just One Session
It is not possible to remove a tattoo with a single laser treatment. Just how many sessions will be required, unfortunately, cannot be pre-determined. The standard answer of 6-10 treatments given by tattoo removal clinics in Melbourne VIC could, in fact, turn out to be far more. The removal process can stretch over a really long time because you need to allow downtime between treatments to avoid the chance of skin irritation. Typically, the period between two sessions is around eight weeks but could be more depending on how your skin reacts.
Tattoos Further From the Heart Take Longer To Remove
When you have tattoos that are located on the extremities of your arms or legs, you can expect them to take longer to remove or fade compared to those located on your shoulder or neck. This is simply because the proximity to the heart allows better blood circulation, which speeds up the process.
Amateur Tattoos Are Easier To Remove Than Professional Ones
The quality of the application of the tattoo plays a vital part in determining how easy it is to remove it. Typically, professional tattoo experts apply colors that are darker and achieve a deeper skin penetration than amateurs. The degree of ink saturation makes tattoos applied by professionals far more difficult to remove. Even though amateur tattoos may be unevenly applied they are still far simpler to tackle.
You May Require To Be Treated By Different Lasers
The wavelength of the laser needs to be different for treating different colors in the tattoo. This will usually entail your treatment by different lasers, even though laser technology has made rapid strides, and contemporary laser applicators like PicoSure can emit three different laser frequencies. Depending on the number of colors in your tattoo, the removal process will require you to undertake a number of treatments with perhaps different lasers.
It is quite normal for you to experience a number of side effects after undergoing the laser treatment. These include swelling, blisters; pinpoint bleeding, elevation of the tattoo, and temporary darkening or even lightening of the skin. Scars, burns, infections, and changes in the skin texture are also quite common. Most of these are self-limiting and will disappear with time.
Author Bio: Marie Williams is an extremely experienced tattoo removal expert. During the last two decades, Marie worked in a number of tattoo removal clinics in Melbourne VIC before becoming independent in 2015.
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