If you are in the process of becoming a minimalist, you are making one of the most significant decisions that you have ever made in your entire life. Nowadays, more and more people are trying to change their lives by shifting to minimalism. However, one of the main challenges of being a minimalist is getting over the notion of not enjoying life. This means letting go of your expensive bags, shoes and designer clothes. It is quite reasonable for some people to feel sad and experience separation anxiety with their prized possessions. Here are some helpful tips on how to get rid of the clutter in your life.
Give yourself a little time to declutter every day
If it is your first time to declutter, things can get overwhelming. That is why you need to build momentum until you get used to it. Start with small steps by allocating ten minutes of your time each morning to get rid of unwanted stuff.
Slowly give away some of your things
If you find it difficult to let go of your stuff, you can start by giving away one item per day. Do this consistently until such time that you find yourself more comfortable with the idea of donating in bulk. It takes some time to get to that mindset, but you will get there as long as you are determined to minimize your belongings.
Raid your closet
If you love shopping for clothes and keeping up with the latest trends in fashion, you most likely have tons of dresses inside your closet. Part of your decluttering sessions should include discarding clothes that are too small to wear. The good thing is you can donate them to Goodwill, for the less fortunate to use. If you love shopping occasionally, it is best to declutter your closet every six months to give more space for your new wardrobe.
Make a list to make decluttering easier
One of the reasons why people fail to declutter their space is because they do not know where to begin. Cleaning piles of junk takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Creating a checklist will serve as your guide for the things that you need to accomplish daily.
Invest in large plastic boxes
You will need to place your remaining stuff in clear plastic boxes before putting them aside. This is a better choice as compared to using ordinary boxes that are not waterproof and sturdy enough to keep your stuff safe. Make sure to store these boxes in a place that is accessible.
Hire someone to help you
You should not be decluttering your home all by yourself. Ask for help from your friends and relatives or better yet reach out to professional companies that provide junk removal Sacramento services to help you get rid of all the mess that you see around you.
Lastly, do not forget to take before and after photos of your home, so you can see your accomplishments and be proud of yourself.
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