How to Prepare Garden Soil in Fall for Next Year
Preparing the soil for the fall is essential activity that should not be underestimated in any way. You do not need to be a professional gardener to manage with this tasks but you certainly need to be armed with a lot of motivation and willingness when you take up with such tasks.
Thanks to this piece of article you will be acquainted with the basic steps that will help you to ideally prepare the soil for the next spring. Leaving the soil in an appropriate condition is essential, if you want to use it immediately after the end of the winter. Do not hesitate to explore these tips and to apply them whenever you wonder which would be the most appropriate treatment for the soil when the end of the summer is approaching.
Here are some basic instructions from professional gardeners London to follow when you prepare the soil:
1.Remove the weeds from the bed so that they could not reach the whole surface in spring. Make sure that you have removed all the leaves and debris from the soil because otherwise you can easily attract a lot of insects that won’t hesitate to attack the new plants. If you feel helpless to manage with such task all by yourself, you can always asks for help from your family or friends.
- Do not forget to check the quality of the soil by testing it in the nearest testing facility or by supplying yourself with a suitable soil testing kit. For the purpose, you need to take a sample from the soil and to place it in a testing tube with water. Thus you will easily receive information about the acidity of the soil, the pH and of course about other details that you are interested in. A great part of the plants grow excellently within a soil pH that varies from 6.0 to 7.0.

Ildar Sagdejev (Specious) – Own work
3.Regulating the pH of the soil is important and the best time to solve this issue is in the end of the summer season. In case you want to raise the pH of the soil, you need to add agricultural lime and if you want to lower the level of pH, then you can add sulfur. Changing the level of pH is a gradual process which may take a few months. For that reason, applying this procedure during fall is one of the best options that you have.
4.The next step consists in situating compost or aged manure on to the surface of the soil. For the purpose you need to place the organic matter to the top 8 inches of the soil by using a tiller or a spade.
5.The final step consists in covering the surface of the soil with a plastic mulch. If your prefer, you can also use another organic mulch. Thus, the soil won’t be invaded by weeds and it will easily preserve its immaculate condition
This is the simple guide that will help you to prepare the soil for the winter season in an excellent way. Of course, you can always turn to professional gardening services but in the end of the day it is more rewarding to know that you have done this all by yourself. Make sure that you possess the right gardening equipment and take care of your lovely garden. This way, it will be easily to revive it when the spring approaches. Follow these simple steps and you will successfully treat your garden like a professional gardener. Do not hesitate to initiate this activity right after the beginning of the fall.
Anna Aamone
Anna is a Guest Blogger. Also she is writing ona world class blog and newspapers. You can read more of her writing on Google +