Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday 20 comments

Well my week has not changed much from last, but I have a stack of face mask’s I have enjoyed sewing, very calming actually, I have sold 9 so far and need to get them set up on Etsy, wish there were an easier site, does anyone know one easier, more user friendly? Let me know in the comments. Are […]



Benefits of Looking Young Even When You’re Old 1 comment

Let’s face it. We live in a society obsessed with a youthful appearance. The cult of youth is slavishly pandered to. But what happens as you age and you end up on the outside looking in. No one in their youth wants to see someone who already looks old. It might be a terrible reality, but it is reality. Therefore, […]

Tips To Choose The Right Active For Your Work Outs

Activewear, along with athleisure model clothes, has become among the most popular developments in fashion, also it isn’t any real surprise. After all, the desire to feel comfy while still appearing adorable and stylish indeed? Assessing your fitness center will be more inviting whenever you have pretty workout garments to use. At the same time, there’s a wide array of […]



5 Great Games That  Seniors Can Play Together (While Engaging Their Minds!)  4 comments

Playing games with your elderly loved ones is not only a great way to bond, spend time together, promote intergenerational fun whilst helping stimulate their mind. Games can provide a fun and subtle avenue for improving seniors’ memory and helping to keep them mentally active, alert, and engaged. Researchers have proved that seniors who are regularly stimulating their mind by […]

How to Start Your Own Supplement Company, From Launch to Success

The nutrition, fitness, and wellness industries are all booming right now. As a result, entrepreneurs across the country are looking for a way to get into the business and make a profit while helping others get healthier. If you’re interested in starting your own supplements company, it’s pretty simple if you think about the process in steps. Here’s what you […]

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts


Setting Up Your Home Office

If you’ve left a lot of niggles around the house for another time, there isn’t a better time than the present to get them sorted. This makes sense if you’re working from home for the foreseeable future too. Let’s look at some handy tips to keep your home office in tip-top shape. No Need for Major Renovations If working from […]

From Traditional to The Modern Idea of Customized T-Shirts

Fashion and clothing both have a long-standing rich history. In the 16th century, the arrival of specialized publications piqued interest in the world population and tickled the fancy of many of its bourgeoisie taste buds and curiosity. In fact, in one of his studies, a gentleman by the name of Lou Taylor, who was a professor and ‘dress historian’ who […]

What Makes a Good Garden?


What Makes a Good Garden?

It’s that time of the year to start planning out how big you want your garden to be and what you are going to plant this year. Most home gardens can produce enough vegetables to help feed your friends and family well into the summer and late fall. But what makes a good garden? The Soil The right soil and […]

Luxury Shorts Outfits – What To Wear

Nobody can deny that, statistically, women care about fashion more than men. Unlike popular opinions, though, they don’t choose their outfits in order to look great for someone else. Sure, we all like to get a compliment or two after we have spent some time getting dresses, but, ultimately, women wear clothes that make them feel confident and good about […]



4 Top Tips to Consider While Selecting Kids’ Outdoor Play Equipment

Do you often wonder what it will take for kids to game outside and leave their devices behind? One great way is by offering amazing outdoor play tools.  It’s often a chance to enable kids to foster social interactions, gain aerobic exercising skills, and much more. With numerous playing devices at your disposal, you need not go for the first […]