What Science Says: Is the Pregnancy Glow Real? 1 comment

Oh My Heartsie Girl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com At some point in your pregnancy, you probably got comments about your skin’s glow or radiant appearance. Prior to having a baby, you’ve been so […]

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts

Womens Electric Bicycles

Electric Bikes for Women

It is a fact that electric bikes might not be for everyone and some people might not even need one as they love to rely on pedal power. However, for all those who need that additional boost quite frequently, the e-bikes were invented. Women’s electric bicycles are the standard bicycles that are available with an additional battery which is quite […]

3 Reasons Why Everyone Should Take Continuing Education (and What to Do About It)

For most people, education is goal-focused. They take classes to graduate high school or earn a degree. Maybe they also took advanced training to gain some specific skill or certification they need for their industry. Once they get the degree or accreditation, education ends — and that’s a real problem. Everyone, no matter their experience or formal education, should be […]

3 Reasons Why Everyone Should Take Continuing Education (and What to Do About It)

Friday Features and Family Friendly Linky Party

Friday Feature Linky Party 14 comments

We had lots planned include shopping, a treat by my daughter a trip to Segolilly Mind &body Spa for an awesome massage, kayaking, grilling, eating out and spending time with my family, meeting my great-granddaughter for the first time visiting with AJ and my granddaughter and being able to attend my granddaughters graduation from beauty school and seeing my grandson […]

Cosmetic Surgery Can Help You Sport the Body You Want

Everyone has an ideal body type in their mind that they want to sport! Some many men and women get influenced by the social norms of a fit and perfect body. Also, others have their expectations of an ideal body. However, some people are far away from the ideal body they want to sport, because of medical and biological reasons. […]

Cosmetic Surgery Can Help You Sport the Body You Want

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday 18 comments

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!! We always get a head start each week and our Co-Hosts choose from the previous week’s links and we have gone overboard by featuring 8 blogs on week #168!! I am sure that you will find it both fun and interesting to meet and make friends with bloggers through our party and we appreciate your visit […]

Anti Aging Guide- Youthful Beauty Fashion and Style

Everyone wants to look and feel young throughout their lives. Looking younger can be accomplished through simple steps, but the best way to remain effortlessly young is by being healthy, eating well and having an active lifestyle. Start by smiling more often and enjoying life. Stress, negativity and frowning will make you appear older and frustrated. Happiness begins from within […]

Anti Aging Guide- Youthful Beauty Fashion and Style

It boosts your immune system

5 Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy for Your Health 1 comment

Most of us deal with stress daily whatever the reason for it may be. Long-term stress can cause problems with your physical and mental health, which is why it is important to learn how to deal with it efficiently. One of the successful methods that reduce stress and have positive effects on your overall health is massage therapy. And if […]

Healthy Habits Giveaway End 9/10 3 comments

 I’m joining Katherine, from Katherines Corner for her Healthy Habits Giveaway! It is with great pleasure that I join the lovely hosts of this giveaway for my readers, I hope you will take the time to enter and I am wishing you Good Luck! Please remember to follow Katherine, her sponsor and all of her hostesses so you can earn […]

healthy habits giveaway sidebar

What Allergy Treatments Can Offer You

What Allergy Treatments Can Offer You

Are you bothered with seasonal allergies? The changing seasons are almost upon us once more, and with them come changes in vegetation and air quality that can contribute to allergies. If you are one of the more than 36 million Americans who suffer from some sort of allergies, the changing seasons can be very uncomfortable and unwelcome. Symptoms like persistent […]