Refined, sophisticated and elegant are some of the messages that you send with a premium quality leather handbag. Leather handbags can be great icebreakers during networking or professional events. However, leather products vary in terms of quality.
No one wants to spend a significant amount of money on a bag that starts cracking with undone stitching and rusting hardware after a few months. There are a number of things to look for while buying a leather bag.
Type of Leather
Like leather jackets and shoes, you need to select a bad that is made of pure leather. This is the type of leather that will actually look better as time goes on and improves after years of use. Quality leather develops an attractive, weathered appearance as the material ages. High quality leather is characterized by this feature and it is not something you can expect with lesser grades or leather that has been heavily treated.
Avoid bonded leather bags that consist of scrap leather pieces that are reworked with plastics and chemicals into second-rate leather products. These versions of leather do not usually have a nice, distinct leather smell or age well. Some people may attempt to promote them as genuine leather. Although they may be available at lower prices, they do not offer value for money.
The leather used for cases and bags is usually prepared in different ways. Vegetable tanning and chrome tanning are the main tanning processes, which affect the prices of products. Vegetable tanning uses an eco-friendly approach while chrome tanning utilizes chemicals such as chromium. Click here for genuine leather handbags online from
Vegetable tanning produces stiffer and thicker leather in comparison to chrome tanning. It works well for high end bags with leathers that are superior in durability and character. Quality leather bags are known for their classic smell and aging well.
Country of Production
Various countries that range from Italy to France are associated with producing quality leather consistently. They are also known for tanning leather properly. Premium leather is derived from peak hide selections as well as tanning processes. It is handled by highly skilled entities that pay keen attention to every detail of the entire bag production process.
Handcrafting and Durability
Durable leather produces the best leather handbags. They are considered as professional artworks rather than combining different pieces together. Professionalism involves carefully selecting the leather and precise stitching.
- A bag should ideally be able to hold a certain amount of weight and be carried around without falling apart.
- Both top-grain and full-grain leather create durable bags with being an affordable alternative to full-grain leather.
- Stitching should be barely noticeable and straight without loose or protruding threads. It is a good idea to check the outer and inner surfaces for consistency.
- Metal fixtures or reinforced stitching is used to attach handles to the body of the bag. Glued handles are at risk of coming off or becoming loose.
Before purchasing a leather handbag, it is important to observe the quality of the smaller parts. It helps to inspect the details on the side of the bag. Pay attention to features such as zippers, shoulder straps, metallic rings, locks, handles and buckles.
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