China Trip Highlights

Our Trip To China 2013

Hi everyone, about 3 weeks ago I shared with you that we were going to China, today I will start my story, first off our preparation was not without problems, we discovered, 2 hours before we left we were over weight and had to repack some of our suitcases, I had to forgo a purse and use a larger portable bag as my carry on. After the trip, I found out it didnt matter as long as we adhered to the check 2 bags, missed my purse) my son and husband had to make a few less choices of clothes and let me move some of my things to theirs. (nice guys huh!!) This was all due to us having to take products to China for demonstration of my husbands products he manufactures and the reason we were going over to China. Our trip started by driving to LAX airport, on the 17th, we boarded our plane at 1:00 AM the 18th my sons Birthday. He told me not to tell the airline attendants to sing HB, he would have been embarrassed, but all in good fun!!
Our trip to Shenyang was a 13 1/2 hour flight first to Hong Kong, then we had a layover of 12 hour before boarding our plain to Shenyang, then it was a 4 hour flight.  Because my husband has some health issues, we have reserved a place in the airport that has a lounge. We had access to showers, lounge chairs, a buffet, TV and was very comfortable than in the main airport terminal. We were able to will get some much needed rest zzzzzZZZZZZZ

I was excited to see what this is trip is like, I have never been out of the USA a whole new experience, well I loved it and now ready to share pics. Another thing that is neat is I got a new iPhone 5 before we left so I was able to use it where ever there was wifi and it takes wonderful photos which I was excited to do thats for sure!

Digger In suitcaseHe looks sad!!  The first pictures I took were of our “Digger” our black & white cat shown above, he wanted to go, as soon as I laid my last piece of clothing in the suitcase, he climbed in, and proceeded to do the same with my carry-on and then my husbands. We will missed our furry friends but they were in goods hands with their new friend Gabriel, she will be with them every day, we are very lucky to have her. She took good care every day to feed them and play with them, give them special treats, and just before she left for the day she re-freshened some toys with catnip, they play frantically and then they calm down and sleep.

Boarding in Hong Kong for flight to Shenyang!

This is the second hotel we stayed in while in Shenyang, China
7-Jianping International Hotel

The next day we had our breakfast and were wisk away to go and visit greenhouses. While we were there, all of our travel was planned and we were driven where ever we needed to go, we usually had 8 to 13 people traveling in 3 to 4 cars, so off to country to visit greenhouses, not like what you have seen, these are very old school 3rd world in construction and works for them they are very successful.
1- Traveling through Shenyang City in China

2-On the road from Shenyang to the country3-Leaving Shenyang

4- Provinces

As we traveled to the farms and greenhouses these are some of the sights you will see, and its the same throughout the country. Little places that are like very small cities, where the farmers can buy some things, get their transportation repaired, tires and such. Along with roadside we saw fruit and vegetable stands, just people mingling in their daily lives. Such a different world than ours. No one at the greenhouses spoke english lucky for us we had our friend that took care of translating everything.

5-Donkey sighting - Farmers transporation - Greenhouses Once we were out in the country I had no idea what I would be experiencing, since this was a trip for agriculture purposes, it was all about farmers, how they use greenhouses to grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. Most of what they grow is sold to China. And our purpose was to evaluate their ways of farming and to help them with new ways using less chemicals, which is what my husband manufacturers, “MicroSoil”  soil amending product, that is non-chemical, non- toxic, totally organic and safe for people plants and pets! It increases the microbial process below the soil to help the plant uptake nutrients for more nutritious fruits & vegetables. Which is why the fruits and vegetables we buy, dont have much flavor or nutrition.

At the end of the day we would go to banquets with all the men that were traveling with us, dignitaries, agriculture experts, would gather around huge tables with lazy-susans in the middle to serve the meal. I would ask what a dish was and my friend just said “try it, if you like it eat it”. They would start by adding dishes of food to the table and as it would go around you would stop it to take food onto your plate, the foods I would eat always had mild sauces on them and nothing like the Chinese cuisine we experience here. Most often they would have steamed breads that were very soft and little flavor.
6-Our first banquet in Shenyang China

 Stay tuned…………more to come

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