You are a dentist, and you’re good at your job. You probably also love having your own dental practice. You want your practice to grow, and you want potential dental customers to always find their way to your door.
There are many ways to get people into the dentist’s chair. You could use traditional advertising, such as television, radio, signs, flyers, billboards, and mailings. There is nothing wrong with these methods, and they have worked in the past. However, many of today’s dental customers find services online.
Potential dental customers will likely use their phones or computer to perform a quick search for a local dentist. They will find one nearby, check the reviews, glance at the website, and make a call. That’s how the majority of dentists are found these days.
What does that mean for you and your business? It means that you must have an online presence in order to get customers to your chair.
Creating a Website
Does that mean you simply need to create a website, slap some content on it, and call it a day? No, that’s not likely going to work for you. If you want to show up in a Google search or in the maps rankings, you will have to put in a little more effort than that. More than likely, you will actually have to use some dentist SEO strategies to get your website to rank.
The Role of Content in Getting a Website to Rank
Content is the writing that appears on your website and landing pages. This content is important in getting your website to rank and in getting your site visitors to convert into actual customers.
First, the content will need to be optimized to ensure that search engines understand what your website is all about.
You don’t want searchers who are looking for dental information to find your site. You want searchers who are looking for a dentist to find your site. Better still, you want to make sure that only people who live near your dental practice are finding your site. That’s because these are the people who will be most likely to use your services.
For this reason, your content will need to be optimized accordingly.
Getting Your Content to Convert
Okay, great. Now you are appearing in search results like you want to, but people are landing on your web pages and then leaving! What are you doing wrong? Your content is not converting your visitors into leads. Maybe you aren’t selling them your services. Maybe the content doesn’t explain what kind of dentist you are.
If someone is looking for a filling but you don’t provide fillings, you want your content to explain that. It should have a list of services you provide, for instance. If you don’t say that you provide fillings, some visitors might leave your site because they’re unsure if you can help them. They want to be sure that you can help them before they pick up the phone and call you.
Web content is imperative to converting leads, so make sure yours is working for you.
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