If You Cant Find Hand Sanitizing Wipes I Have a Solution 7 comments

Is everyone ready to stay in for a couple of weeks, I hope you were all able to put in supplies, food and some extra water and oh and TP.

Well, I have been reading so much in the past week my eyes are strained. I have been doing what everyone else is doing and preparing if I need to stay confined for 2 weeks or if it becomes mandatory.Make-you-own-Hand-Sanitizing-wipes-and-gel-using-Cosmetic-Face-Wipes-or-Baby-Wipes-into-Sanitizing-Hand-Wipes

And when I have been out shopping I have been watching what has gone off the shelves and what is still available over the past several weeks, about the time the run on TP and water started.  Everyone bought up all the cleaning wipes and hand sanitizing wipes but I noticed that shelves are still full of baby wipes and face wipes and I got an idea. Thinking outside the box and this is not new I found the idea on Pinterest and I  wanted to share it with my readers.

Kudos to Moms they are smart and are always thinking of ways to save money so this is a perfect idea for now and in the future. I also search Google and but with the moms on Pinterest I was able to find a couple I can share here:

Mom Tips:  Moms are smart and are always thinking of ways to save money so this is a perfect idea for now and in the future.

So if you were not able to find hand sanitizing wipes, you can still buy Baby wipes or Face Wipes and use either “99% isopropyl alcohol” or [“Witch Hazel” which is a natural antimicrobial that kills viruses] and add to the package to make them antimicrobial.

“According to the CDC, the most effective ingredient to use is ethyl alcohol. And they actually say %60 to %80 percent is when you actually get effective,” Kim says. Other antibacterial ingredients such as vodka and witch hazel can be used instead if that’s what a user prefers, but Kim notes that ethyl alcohol is the better option for killing viral germs.

Source of Wipes
To make these hand sanitizing wipes I have found a plentiful supply of face wipes at TJMaxx or Ross! But if you want to order, I know there on Amazon too. No affiliate link sorry but if you have an affiliate program you are welcome to share in comments.

Essential Oils

I am familiar with essential oils and how effective they can be to use when cleaning and in my research, I found using essential oils to name a few citrus oils, Tea Tree Oil, Ecuptuluptus Oil, Thieves, Frankincense, Myrrh, and there are others. And don’t take my word for it, you can read more about other essential oils here:

2.1 Essential Oils https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6471180/

I am sure many of you are even affiliates of essential oil companies or know someone that is, but if you dont you can find what you need at the store.
But read the following article be sure the essential oils are pure read #8 https://www.naturallivingideas.com/fake-essential-oils/#:~:text=

Be sure to test your oil for purity once you’ve purchased it. To do so, simply place a single drop onto a piece of white paper (computer printer paper works great), and then allow it to dry.

If an oil ring is left behind, it’s not a pure essential oil.

Be sure to read the entire content of the page shared above.

And I have another suggestion for those elusive hand sanitizer’s making your own spray that can be used when hand washing just isn’t available when you are out or in the car just by using just a few ingredients: This one is made using  %60-%90 alcohol, and essential oils. To keep the spray from drying out the hands add Vit E (optional) according to  Lisa Griffith she has recently updated her post to the CDC standards. Lisa has other recipes for handmade beauty products on her site you might want to explore.

If you cannot find aloe vera in one place of the store, try the suntan product section or on the aisle where they sell antiseptic products. And be sure to ask someone, they package products for different uses and market them in different sections of stores.

I hope you have found this informative and useful, I have no medical degrees this is just my opinion and observations and meant for some clarity on prevention and precautions for passing bacteria. Let me know in comments and your suggestions and again if you sell essential oils, leave your link to share. I will update this post as needed.

Check out other tips I have written about, Tips on cleaning Old Tricks used years ago.

 Promoting Proper Hand Hygiene in the Home
5 Cleaning Hacks for People Who Hate Cleaning
Old Tricks Tried and True Cleaning Tips From Days Gone By
Cleaning Tips For a Fresh Home
Top 3 Cleaning Hacks for Every Room in Your House

Beboe Therapies
This post may contain affiliate links and I might receive compensation if you make a purchase after clicking on a link.

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

7 thoughts on “If You Cant Find Hand Sanitizing Wipes I Have a Solution

  • Dawn

    Awesome ideas thank you for sharing! In my house we are using alcohol pads since we have them on hand. Those are in our purses and pockets if we have to go out then when we get home it’s hit the shower and then aaaaahhhh lotion! I just keep saying this too shall pass. Love and prayers to you!

  • Joanne

    That is helpful! Thank you. I’ve managed to find most everything but the wipes and only wanted a small container to keep in the house in case someone gets sick as it’s so handy for wiping door handles.

  • Karren Haller Post author

    When I was at the store the other day I was checking the supply of Baby Wipes and they are now wiped out. I hope they are adding alcohol to provide protection.
    I found some great face wipes at the Dollar store that have coconut oil which is great so the alcohol is not so drying. Washing hands and sanitizing is really taking its toll on the skin. I even made lotion to use after washing that has the Witch Hazel in, just one more step.
    Praying with you!

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Something I did not mention is that you could take old T-shirts, cut them up, in a bottle with a tight-fitting lid, submerge them using the %60-%90 isopropyl alcohol to use as you mention.
    Stay safe and rest as much as you can.

  • Maureen

    We have some but in the house we are constantly washing hands.
    When we have gone to the grocery store or drug store make sure we spritz before and after.
    Nervous times.

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