Four Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do Yourself

Four Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do Yourself

ome Renovation Image Julie Whitmer

Home Renovation Image Julie Whitmer

Do it yourself (DIY) projects are more popular than ever. They’re a great way to ensure you get the exact update you want, and they can save you quite a bit of money in the process.

Paint the walls, switch out light fixtures, and tear out the carpet, but when it comes to other projects, they’re best left to the professionals.

Here are four home improvement projects that you should never do yourself.

Replacing a Roof

Roofing systems can be expensive, and it’s easy to see why. They are a home’s first defense against the elements. Unfortunately, many homeowners make the mistake of trying to replace their roof on their own only to end up with the very thing they were trying to avoid—a damaging leak.

It’s really best to hire a professional for the job. They will make sure everything is installed properly. You can even look into roof financing options that will make the replacement more affordable.

Electrical Work

There are some electrical home improvement projects you can do on your own. Changing outlet covers and replacing light fixtures are two DIY projects that most homeowners can handle, but when it comes to in-depth electrical work, you need to hire a professional electrician.

Dealing with electricity can put you in danger of being shocked. A bad electrical job can even cause a fire and destroy your home. If you’re looking to install an outlet or a light fixture where there isn’t one, or the wiring in your home needs an update, don’t do it yourself.

Major Plumbing Repairs

DIY electrical work is especially dangerous. That isn’t the case with major plumbing repairs, but doing it wrong can end up costing you a lot of money.

Without the right plumbing repair or replacement, you could end up with a leak, or worse yet, flooding your home. All that water can result in mold growth and costly remodeling repairs.

A few plumbing projects that should be left to the professionals include:

  • Toilet installations
  • Shower and tub installations
  • Water heater installations
  • Valve and tube replacements
  • Sewer pipe work

Structural Changes to Rooms

Tearing out a wall sounds like the easiest DIY project of all. You just need a sledgehammer and a strong arm! Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.

Before you tear down the wall, you have to consider what’s inside it. There could be electrical wires or plumbing located in the wall. If you’re living in a two-story home, you could be dealing with a load-bearing wall. In order to make sure you don’t end up with even more costly repairs, it’s best to leave knocking down any walls to the professionals.

When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to call in a professional team to assess your project. It costs less in the long run to do it right in the first place than it does to botch the job and end up calling a professional to fix it anyway.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done