Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday 19 comments

 This is our 50th week of the “Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday”,
and we would like to thank you for joining us each week.

And if you would like to join us in November as a Co-Host, check for details below.
Our event is an opportunity to meet new bloggers and make new friends.
And this week we are featuring tons of Halloween and Fall Inspiration!!!
Where do you blog from?
Oh My Heartsie Girl & Co-Hosts Welcome’s you!! And now….

starts early ❢❢ 

:❢:❢ And if you looking for something special from last week, there are so many good
recipes and crafts you can find them here
 All The Entries Here :❢:❢ 

But Now….We look forward to your recipes, reviews, diy crafts, Halloween,
beauty ideas, jewelry you make, paper crafts and Linky Parties,
We Want To See It All! And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features

Divider 989321gyey13hzit ♥~ MEET THE HOSTS of #OMHGWW ~

♥Karren-Host // Oh My Heartsie Girl // “Take 2 Coconut Banana Bread” // A revised recipe, making it even better with the addition of coconut oil for moistness, cinnamon for enhanced flavor and coconut on top before baking
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♥Co-Host Ashleigh // Simply Wright // Eyeball & Fly Fruit Salad // Planning a Halloween party or looking for a spooky dish for the kids?! Well, look no further! This Jello fruit salad is ooey, gooey, gross… only it tastes delicious and the kids are sure to love it!!
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♥Co-Host Christine // Cherishing A Sweet Life  //French Apple-Cherry Galette // One of my favorite Fall comfort foods has to be anything made with Apples. Today I am sharing with you, this delectable and rustic French Apple-Cherry Galette. It’s almost like having the best of both worlds, with Apple and Cherry tart! The crust is delicate and buttery, and the Salted Caramel sauce finishes off this lovely dessert!
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Co-Host Evija Roberts// From Evija With Love // Home Design – New Addition To The Blog//

Expanding the blog a little and share with you some of my design and home inspirations in the form of my favorite picks, mood boards and so on.
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♥Co-Host Shellie Bowdoin //
 The Fab Journey // Your College Kids – How To Make Communication Happen // It can be tough to know how to navigate the separation process with our college-aged kids. We want to encourage them to find their own way, but, there is a fine line between allowing them to explore their new-found freedom and seeking to maintain the parent-child relationship.
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♥Co-Host Pili // My Sweet Things // How to transfer on fabric in less than 5 minutes // I’ve been receiving questions about transfer into fabric since I posted my romantic pillow or lavender sachets and I thought that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I decided to make a little tutorial to show you how to do it, and maybe you decide to give it a try!
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♥Co-Host Heather Aguayo // Milk Momology //How To Fix A Plugged Duct Fast // Breastfeeding is hard work! Plugged ducts happen – and frequently. Here are some tips to keep that liquid gold flowing smoothly.
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♥Co-Host Indah // My Purple World  //Finish The Fight Get Your Mammogram // As we are in October, the breast cancer awareness month, let’s help spread the words in the fight against cancer 🙂
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Best Picks from last weeks partyYour Co-Hosts Picks From Last Week

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Karen’s Up On The Hill // Fall Home Tour 2015
15 Blogs participate in this fall home tour and while you are there
you will be able to take a tour of Karen’s beautiful Philadelphia Countryside home in farm style!

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 Lovely Livings // Cloches & Pumpkins //
If you have ever visited LuAnn’s blog you will see she uses cloches in so many ways to
decorate throughout her home and now with Pumpkins Beautiful!
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Flamingo Toes // Fall Home Tour
If you need inspiration for a fall pourch, see this Fall on the Porch-Home Tour

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Weekend Craft // Washi Tape Pumpkin Art
What a cute pumpkin made with washi tape and framed…Very unique!

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 Amanda’s Books and More // Moist Pumpkin Scones Recipe //
A pumpkin scone recipe made from Queensland Blue (an Australian pumpkin variety in South Africa)
Heaven Smiling Above //Soft and Sweet Cornbread: the Ultimate Dinner Bread
The softest sweetest cornbread you will ever eat!
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Much More Creative // Halloween Displays
What a great way to display Halloween and other possibilities!!
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Celebrate and Decorate With Chole //The Birds Have Invaded for Halloween!
// Beware the birds should you come trick or treating at Chloe’s house this year!Divider 989321gyey13hzit


Flourish and Knot // Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) Luminaries #HomeForTheFallidays
Made from recycled materials Sarah created these great luminaries for Halloween!!
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Cooking With Carlee // Ghosts-In-The-Graveyard-Dessert //
Made with a chocolate cake mix and chocolate pudding, and ghosts created with a meringue icing.

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Dollar Tree Pumpkin Redo

Mrs. Aok a Work in Progress //Dollar Tree Pumpkin Redo //
How about a thumbtack pumpkin to add to your Halloween decor?
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Woud You Like To Co-Host Wordless Wednesdy snip Have you ever wondered how to attract more traffic to your blog? Co-Hosting a Wordless Wednesday is a great way to build you blog.

And  We are looking For Co-Hosts For November

Co-Hosting will increase page views, you will meet new bloggers and help your blog get noticed, Sound Good !!!!    If You Would Like To Co-Host with us Wednesdays, signing up is Free!! The Form Is Open For November // Read All The Details and find  Information Here  ❢❢❢ 

Disclaimer: When you add your link along with your email, it will be used only to send you an invitation to join us for the party. It also gives Oh My Heartsie Girl permission to share your posts, pictures and links if featured in upcoming posts. Any content used will be given proper credit and link-backs will be provided. 
Thank you 2669901rafc9t8xem Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WW

We would love it if you would help our party grow, Either Grab The Banner or Link Back, Leave a comment so we know that you follow so we can follow back. Help us by Tweeting When You Linkup, We Would Appreciate it!

Linking To These Parties This Week
Healthy Moms Mag-WW
Toronto Teacher Mom-WW
Talbert Zoo-WW
Frugality is Free-WW
Sakura Haruka-WW
Tots and Me-WW
Bajan Texan-WW

Wake Up Wednesday
The NY Melrose Family-WW
DIY Just Cuz-WW
Rosilind Jukic-WW
Pat and Candy-WW

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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