Great Ways to Make Your Patterns Stand Out
If you are planning a needlework project and need some ideas in terms of what you want to do exactly, cross stitch patterns and kits are wonderful for this purpose. They are also great for assisting beginners in learning about the art. However, too often, finished pieces look like they came from kits rather than original work. If you want to add a personal touch to your project, there are two great ways to do so.
1. Affix beads or charms.
Many stores that carry cross stitch kids will also carry beads and charms. It is relatively simple to add it into the needle work as well, as they typically have loops used to attach to jewelry. You can use a strand of thread the same way. If you do not want the finished stitching to be conspicuous, just use a thread that happens to be the same colour as the background. It will be similar to sewing a button. Affix the bead or charm to the back of the fabric at the location where you want it, and then pull it through with your needle. Make multiple small engine needs stitches over the top of the loop, keeping the charm in position using your thumb. Once everything feels secure, secure the thread in the back and tie everything off. It really is that easy.
2. Add Depth and Texture.
If you want to add depth and texture to your pattern, the two-tone technique is very effective. It works especially well for nature effects, such as sky, fur, and grass. This blended stitch technique is actually quite simple.
Start off by picking a shade that is just slightly different from the one in the kit, and buy the same type of floss. Figure out how many strands of each thread your power and requires. If it is two strands, you will simply make the amendment of using two colours instead of one. Then, thread the needle just as you usually would and follow the directions of your cross stitch kit when you’re doing the stitches.
If you are interested in more excellent ideas on how to be creative and get everything you can out of your cross stitch kits, go to the Threaded Needle. Here, you will find a vast assortment of needles and embroidery floss, in addition to fun and wonderful kits and patterns.