What to Do with Those Gift Cards and Vouchers Your Kids Will Never Use

Gift cards and gift vouchers in India are a popular way to give gifts, especially when it comes to kids. What’s cool one minute isn’t cool the next, so by purchasing gift cards, you enable the child to buy what they like.

That is, if they like that store. If they don’t, that gift card is going to sit in a drawer until it expires.

Don’t let those gift cards go to waste! Even if your child doesn’t want to go shopping at that particular store, there are still plenty of things you can do with those gift cards and vouchers.  What to Do with Those Gift Cards and Vouchers Your Kids Will Never Use

    1. Sell Them

Many parents would argue that the best way to get rid of those gift cards and vouchers is to sell them. After all, if you get the cash for the card, your kid can go shopping wherever he wants!

Unfortunately, selling those cards can be a bit tricky. You can always ask people on social media if they would be willing to purchase the card from you, but your best bet is to use a gift card exchange site. Instead of getting cash for the card, you can give your card to someone who will use it and they will provide you with a card that your kid will use.

    1. Donate Them

It’s important to teach your child about charity at an early age. Not only is it a great way to help others in need, they’ll learn that it makes them feel good too. One way your kid can help is to donate the gift cards they won’t use.

A few organizations that would love those gift cards and vouches include:

  • Schools
  • Churches
  • Children’s clubs
  • National charities
  • Nonprofits

Not only can the organization spend the money directly, they can also auction or raffle off the cards to raise money.

    1. Regift Them

Just because your child doesn’t want to use the gift card doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t appreciate it! Consider regifting those cards to friends and family who will actually be excited about receiving them. They can be put in a greeting card or they can be added to a goody basket.

Just make sure you remember who gifted you the card in the first place so you don’t accidentally give them the card back!

    1. Use the Cards to Buy Gifts

Men complain about giving gifts to women, and vice versa, but kids are hard to buy for too! Don’t spend your own money buying gifts when you can use those gift cards to buy gifts instead.

The next time a birthday rolls around, head to the store with your child and see if you can find something to purchase that the birthday boy or girl would like.

Don’t let those gift cards and vouchers collect dust in your drawer until they’re obsolete! With the tips on this list, you can put those gift cards to good work, even if your child isn’t excited about the card itself.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done