Easy Recipes For Valentines Day Dinner 2 comments

Valentine day is not only for couples but also for families who are bound by a ring of love. If you are married and have a beautiful family show them you care by trying some special recipes.

Valentines Meal Preparation

Cooking is done every day in most families and this routine can be made different on this Valentine’s Day by using some imagination, serving pretty and mouth watering dishes that will make your family feel warm in your love. Some of them are listed below.

Heart shaped cutlets– Serve these vegetable cutlets at breakfast on Valentine’s Day morning along with some fresh flowers which you can get delivered at your doorstep by using some coupon codes from Frugaa.com.

* 1 cup tapioca pearls
* 4 medium sized potatoes
* ½ cup crushed peanuts
* 1 finely chopped green chilly (optional)
* ½ cup finely chopped coriander leaves
* Salt
* Oil for frying

  1. a) Empty the tapioca pearls in a bowl of water and leave them overnight. They will become nicely rounded and once they become so drain all water from the container and keep pearls aside.
  2. b) Boil the potatoes and mash them once done.
  3. c) Mix the mashed potatoes, crushed peanuts, chilly, coriander leaves and add salt to taste.
  4. d) Rub some oil in your hands and shape a small portion of the mixture into heart shaped cutlet. Make these hearts till all mixture is utilized.
  5. e) Heat the oil in a pan and deep fry these cutlets till they turn golden brown. Serve hot with ketchup or any other dip.

Roasted Heart Potatoes- These heart shaped potatoes works well as a side dish and will appeal to both adults and kids.

Source: Jo And Sue

Source: Jo And Sue

* 4 large sized potatoes
*1/4cup cooking oil
* Salt
* Grounded pepper

  1. a) Peel potatoes, slice them and cut small heart shapes using a metal cutter from com. Don’t throw away the scraps and use them to make mashed potatoes later.
  2. b) Boil water in a pan and cook potatoes in this for about 3-4 minutes. Take out when slightly done and keep them aside to cool.
  3. c) Mix olive oil, salt and grounded pepper and pour this liquid over potatoes. Leave the marinade over potatoes for about 5 minutes.
  4. d) Spread potatoes evenly on a baking sheet and keep it inside a preheated oven set to 400F.
  5. e) Roast these heart shaped potatoes for 25 minutes and turn them after about 10 minutes so that both sides are done evenly.

Heart shaped egg sandwich

This is a simple yet very attractive looking dish that can be prepared quickly and looks very good on the table.

* Bread slices -6
* Eggs- 6
* Butter
* Salt

  1. a) Take a slice of bread, butter it on one side and place the buttered side on a pan put on heat.
  2. b) Roast the slice till it turns golden brown and then remove from flame. Repeat this process for all the slices.
  3. c) Break the eggs one by one and separate the egg white and yolk into two different bowls.
  4. d) Use a heart shaped cutter to remove center of the slice and put the uncooked side of the bread on the pan. Pour egg white in the cavity and carefully keep egg yolk in the center.
  5. e) Cover the pan and cook the bread till done.

These delicious recipes will definitely make your valentine’s day special and bring your family closer. Try them a few times before the Valentines’ Day so that you have perfected the recipes and are able to prepare these dishes quickly.

Check out 15 Romantic Dinners for Two

by Amanda Hernandez at Foodie.com

About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

2 thoughts on “Easy Recipes For Valentines Day Dinner

  • Kimberly

    Love! Pinned and tweeted! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at our linky party. We hope to see you next Monday @ 7 because we can’t wait to see your new creations! Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

  • Karren Haller Post author

    Hi Kimberly, your awesome, you know, you are my #1 commenter, thank you so much!!
    COming to see you today!!
    THanks for stopping by!
    Have a great week!

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