“Digger The Cat Corner and Sabrina Too” 74 comments

Update Digger and Sabrina Highlights Update 7/1/2019
I had a little time and thought I would share an update of Kitties “Digger” and “Sabrina”. Their always up to something this time caught
Digger sitting in his bowl waiting for dinner, usually he kicks his bowl across the floor to get my attention!

 Sabrina, on the other hand, found a bag to climb in after I brought home deli sandwiches, she stayed awhile. Divider

Update Digger and Sabrina Highlights January 2016

Digger and Sabrina

cat wall shelves

Update….Sabrina and Digger High Alert and into Mischief!! December 2016

Cat Themed Wall Accent Decals

Digger 2016-1

Latest Selfie of Sabrina jumping up on the counter to help, oops……… Feline Friday 12/9/2016

Sabrina in Kitchen

Sharing at Feline Friday 1-8-2016

SabrinaUpdated Selfie of Sabrina December 2015, she has become the best friend to me, she cuddles with me, follows me for pats on the head, loves to lay next to my computer and above my head when I sleep. Love her Lots!!Divider

photovisi-downloadNew Selfies of Sarbina 10/5-2014 I am always doing something so cute my mom wanted to share, she finds me in places where I should not go but fun to explore, like on top of the shelf above the fridge next to a whisky jug or finding a warm place on top of just delivered Pizza, haha. Be sure to share your latest selfies so we can see.
Purs and Hugs Sabrina Divider

Selfies of Sabrina the catA collage Selfie for Digger & Sabrina, 9/28/2014
Digger curled up in a suitcase for our preparation to China, another of him curled up in a basket under a light for him to get warm. Sabrina in a favorite spot, moms kitchen sink, look familar? And Sabrina drinking from her favorite spot.
Share your latest “Selfies” so we can all see. Divider
Digger and Sabrina Selfie 9-28Sabrina Selfie Feature 9/20/2014 in all my antics, (I’m checking out the cupboard (you can only see half of me) (Then in the sink, I like it here, I’m close to mom) (On top of my moms dresser looking down with glowing eyes) and (My splayed toes) their special claws, they come out the top. Dividerphotovisi-downloadDivider Digger in my Domain and all my glory and my new selfie, I indulge in naps in a basket mom provides for me, I like hanging off the table, and the best is laying in wheatgrass that was grown for my moms nutritional drinks, but I got to it first, so she had to start over. I’ll get healthy though. And theres me sitting on moms lap, she had the privilege of me sitting on her lap, just long enough for dad to snap a photo. 9/21/2014photovisi-download (1)We think were kinda cute, my mom thinks so, she let us have our own page!!
Paws 9/12/2014What name would you give these paws
My name is “Digger” and I am inviting you to share cat stories, what do they do?

House cats that love simple toys like the ring that comes on the humans milk jug, a ring they made from zip ties, and to dig in the newspaper and tear it up when they play with me, that’s how I got my name (“Digger”), it was Romeo when they adopted me, cause I’m a lover too. I also love catnip from the garden my mom grows and once in a while I like to lick “dry milk”, you know the evaporated kind. I like to have my tail pulled (gently of course) over and over, the humans dont know why, but they go along when I wind through their legs. Sabrina BannerThis is Sabrina our newest addition to our home, she is a very feminine, and because she is so lightweight, she flies everywhere, bounding about in cat antics. Her and Digger have yet to bond, they’re still going through setting up alpha omega, who’s going to be the boss. Sabrina makes lots of noises when Digger is around when he comes near. She flies through the air for cat toys and loves little rubber balls. Now for the important stuff here: This page is for other cat friends to everywhere to share their photographs, share special moments whatever your human thinks we will enjoy. I do invite you to share all your cat poses, being funny, your sleeping places, (I need new ideas) loving your human, playing with toys, you name it.  Be a fun cat and get the humans to take your picture and then share it here. Be sure to leave a comment and tell me about your picture and where I can come to visit! Now its time to add your cat portrait to the Linky so we can all enjoy catantics! And visit often and add new links to share your crazy things, it is open for additional links from your blog. (They made it special) And if you like this page, hope you will share for me with your Cat Twitter friends, purr, roll over and paw to get them here. Please remember the Linky is for kitty post “ONLY” all others will be removed. You can also check out Litter Robot reviews from Cat World for more feline things.

Litter RobotHope you have a pawsom purrfect day!  Announcement: June 24th And I wanted to let you know of Cat Domination Day, you can head over to Sparkle Cat for more details, Visit Sparkle Cat All kitties worldwide need to be a part of Cat Domination day start making your lists. Sparkle Has Books You Can See Them Both On Amazon

In Memory of Sparkle Cat

Purrs & Hugs Your friend “Digger” & “Sabrina” PS Don’t forget, if you like this page for cat friends, share it to your
Twitter & Facebook Friends and check out the rest of the blog too, for my mom, she would like that!

Furfriend Selfies  

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