
Announcements about upcoming events

When Bloggers Support Each Other – Everybody Wins Award recipients are known for doing the following: Consistently following link-up rules Sharing other bloggers’ content Mentioning others by tagging them in appropriate posts Leaving thoughtful comments on blogs and social media posts Responding to comments/mentions in a timely manner Engaging consistently, generously and politely on social networks The mission of International Bloggers […]

“Shares” Are Like Gold For Bloggers

Do you need inspiration for a dessert for Fathers Day? I would like to share what I have found in my travels through friends blogs and other places. Is there one that just looks so good you want to try it? And if you have not had a chance, join us for Weekends Are Fun and share your latest posts. NEW […]

Pinterest Berry Deserts with Weekends Are Fun

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts 5 comments
I have been accepted as a team member on Sew Craft Angel Team to host Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party #11 & Giveaway and each week the giveaway is presented for the participants. So this week as a Co-Host I am offering these pretty little pink doilies as part of the giveaway. They range in size from 6″ 4 1/2″ to […]

What I Create Today I Giveaway Wednesday