Is your darling baby growing up too fast? Do you feel like every day your baby changes? Capture these changes by using baby photography tips.
Babies can do just about anything and be cute. They can giggle, smile, or roll over and our hearts are instantly warmed with love and joy. But, sometimes babies are less than cooperative when it comes to taking photos.
Baby photos last a lifetime. They aren’t just for us, but also for our kids when they grow up.
And, let’s not forget. We simply can’t miss our chance to embarrass them with these photos by showing them to their first girlfriend or boyfriend.
Baby photos mark a point in time when our children were closest to us. When our lives were intertwined with theirs and when we were learning who they were. But, growing up happens quickly.
If it was up to us we would never miss a moment with our children. But, for the moments we want to remember forever, we have photography to thank.
So, how can you make sure that the photos you take turn out great? Read on to discover nine baby photography tips.

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9 Baby Photography Tips for High-Quality Pictures
Taking a newborn home from the hospital is one of the most gratifying experiences. It can also be one of the most terrifying experiences. As our lives change and we learn how to take care of our babies, we commit to protecting them at all costs.
We also commit to loving them with all our hearts. With faces like theirs, it’s impossible not to! But, we also know that one day, they won’t be so little.
We always want to remember those tiny faces, toes, and fingers. We want to remember the bond we shared and the milestones they achieved. We want to remember the moments when they were just our babies.
Of course, we will always feel like our children are our babies. But, for the moments when they actually are babies, we’ll need to know how to best take high-quality photos. Explore the following tips to learn how to take the best photos of your little one.
1. Make a Plan
To start, it’s important to brainstorm what kind of photos you want. Do you want candid photos? Would you prefer to have more staged photos?
A mix of both is also great too! By creating a plan, you’ll be more prepared to take photos. You’ll also know which moments to capture at the correct time.
Even if these photos are candid, by having a plan you’ll have a creative vision in mind.
2. Create a Simple Backdrop
Simple backdrops are backdrops that don’t have any patterns. They have very little texture as well. These backgrounds help to put the focus on your baby.
They also reduce any distractions, which allows your baby’s true essence to be seen in the photo. All white backgrounds, for example, provide a great way to see all the details of your baby’s face.
3. Focus on the Details
We want to remember everything about when our kids were babies. To do so we’ll need to focus on the little details.
Take photos of their hands and feet. Get close up and take photos of their tiny noses as well. Photographing their hair is also a beautiful shot to have.
4. Use Natural Lighting
Natural lighting helps to bring out your baby’s true colors and features. Natural lighting also makes all the details of a photo crisper. To get natural lighting, select a location near a window.
If your baby is prepared to go outside, you can also take them out into the garden for some photos.
5. Take Photos Monthly
Take a photo each month to document your baby’s growth. Each time you take a photo, use the same backdrop and similar clothing items. You can also place their age on their clothes or nearby.
6. Catch Them at Their Best
We know our babies best. This means we also know when they are the happiest. Take photos when your baby is typically in a happy mood.
This could be after naptime or after feeding them.
7. Try Black and White
Black and white photos tend to improve a photo’s quality. This is especially true if the lighting or tone of the photo isn’t to our liking. There are many shades of black and white you can try out.
If you’re using your phone, experiment with your phone’s black and white editing features.
8. Use Editing Software
There are many different types of photo editing software you can purchase. In a technology-driven world, you can edit photos for little to no cost.
If you’re on a low-budget, use your smartphone or computer’s editing software. This software will allow you to adjust the photo’s focus, color, and brightness. You can also edit the photo’s contrast and texture.
9. Dress Them Up
The best part of baby photography is getting the chance to dress up our bundles of joy. Get creative and dress them in outfits that maximize their cuteness. For example, you can dress them up like flowers, in simple onesies, or in their Sunday best outfit.
Visit the website previously linked to receive more dress up and baby photography ideas.
Baby Photography Tips: Organizing Your Photos
Feeling confident about using these baby photography tips? The next step in getting great photos is setting up a baby photo shoot.
After taking your photos, you may wonder how to organize and display them. In the Digital Age, it’s not uncommon for pictures to remain on our computers or on the internet. But, there are many creative ways to organize and display your photos so that you can see them on a regular basis.
First, you can consider creating a photo album. You can print out all your baby’s photos and chronologically order them. You can also purchase frames that show your baby’s growth from month to month.
Another option is to create a scrapbook. Creating a scrapbook is a great option for parents who are creative and like to do crafts. Lastly, you can also have a photo website create a photo album for you.
Simply upload your photos, create an album online, and have them send it to you.
Want to know which foods are best for your growing baby? Check out our article to learn more.
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