New Year’s resolutions are the perfect time to swear off men! But, they are also the perfect time to resolve to go on more dates. Now, you might not think this is the best idea, but it is a good way to rekindle the romantic in you, and work towards finding the one. Here are six fantastic dating ideas for the romantic in you to enjoy. 
The classic choice for a romantic date is a lovely dinner for two somewhere nice. Let your date choose the restaurant so you can relax and enjoy being wooed! There’s nothing better than getting to know a person over a lovely plate of food and some good wine. So, have a think about the sorts of places you might like to go to give your date help making their decision. Dinner is the classic romantic date and one that should continue to be a staple of our modern dating culture.
Hot Air Balloon Ride
I always think that the best dates are often those that think outside the box. I feel it is worth taking the time to consider doing something different and unusual. I once went geocaching on a date, and it was one of the best dates I’ve ever had. So, thinking outside the box helps, and you should head to for other nifty romantic talk. This is why something like a hot air balloon ride would be great. Think about how romantic this is going to be. You will need to book well in advance, but it’s something that it well worth doing if you have the opportunity to. Maybe this could be a discussion with your date. It might not be ideal for a first date, but it will be perfect for a later one.
Moonlit Walk
If you think about it, there are few things more romantic than a moonlit walk. The best place to enjoy one of these would be the beach if you have one near you. Pick a night when it’s a full moon, and make sure you take something warm. You can walk along the golden sand for hours and talk to one another. It’s the perfect spot to enjoy a date and have a romantic backdrop. If you don’t have a beach near you then finding somewhere with a nice view will be good enough. This is something not enough people enjoy these days, and so you can have a unique and romantic experience.
Go for a Drive
Going for a drive is something that doesn’t seem to happen so much nowadays. Maybe it’s because we have become a lot more cautious and wary of the world around us. And, you might still feel this way about it. So, going for a drive might be something best reserved for a date later down the line. There’s an obvious concern about getting into a car with someone you don’t know on a first date. But, a later date would be great because driving can be really romantic and enjoyable.
Wine Bar
Do you want to go for drinks, but fancy a little more sophistication than a pub? Well, now you can enjoy that by going to a wine bar. There are plenty of wine bars around these days; it’s just a matter of tracking them down. A trip to will show you exactly why a wine bar is such a good choice These provide a more relaxed and intimate setting for you and your date to enjoy each other’s company and have the date you want. You can float the idea to them, or just make it obvious that you like wine – what girl doesn’t?! Wine bars are an excellent venue for a romantic meetup, sand you have a good excuse to get dressed up in a really pretty way.
Netflix & Chill
If you’re feeling a little naughty (and perhaps on the third date!), you might suggest ‘Netflix & chill’. This is the modern day equivalent of inviting someone over for a cup of Kimbo coffee from your new coffee machine. Essentially, it means you’re going to be getting a little frisky together! Now, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a bit of Netflix on the side as well. But inviting someone over for Netflix & chill usually implies sex, and lots of it! That’s why you need to make sure you feel ready to sleep with the person. If all you’re after is a one night stand, then you might skip straight to this point. Otherwise, you’ll have to be sure that you’re ready, and it’s with the right guy.
Dating is one of our favourite pastimes these days. And the explosion of Internet dating has made it so much easier and more accessible. But, just because you’re sat behind a screen when you first meet someone doesn’t mean romance should go out the window. It’s always good to have something romantic up your sleeve in a bid to try to wow your date. So come up with a list of things, and make your choice from there. If your interested I have shared a guide for Night Notflix” – a guide on getting more out of Netflix
My husband and I rode in a hot air balloon once. That was so much fun.
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Oh my gosh, that is so cool….I might have done it when I was younger, but now I am afraid of heights.
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I have always wanted to go in a hot air balloon! Every year they have a festival of hndreds of them. I need to do this. Pinned and shared on Thursday Favorite Things!
When I lived in Salt Lake, they used to have huge festivals in Park City, but I never made it up there to see the balloons go up, they start at like 3:00 AM which means a 2:00AM drive.
You will have to let me know if you get to ride in a Big Ballon.
Have a fabulous Easter!!
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Great ideas for reconnecting with your partner. I can use some of these with my hubby!
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Thank you for your kind comment Barrie, wishing you a great weekend!
Date night is important for couples to stay connected. I would try some of these ideas.
These are all fabulous ideas. I especially like them because they are sweet, no pressure activities that allow you to talk, enjoy the silence and surroundings, and/or laugh. So sweet! Thank you for sharing these with #ShareTheJoyLinky!
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