5 Tips to Being the Best You so You Can Attract the Love You Want

5 Tips to Being the Best You so You Can Attract the Love You Want 

Before embarking on the search for that life partner or trying to find true love, it is important to get to know who you are. Whether or not we admit it to ourselves, we are all looking to find out ‘perfect match’, but most of us never stop to consider whether we’re someone else’s desired ‘perfect match’.

Now, it helps to mention that love isn’t a fairy tale, and there’s no such thing as a perfect10 that will fit all those qualities you have on your list. What you can find, however, is someone that will stand by your side through every messy aspect of life so that you can live your life to the fullest. But it has to start on the right foundation: on you being the best you. Here are some tips to guide you along.

  1. Be real

Finding true love depends on revealing who you truly are. If you want someone that will stick with you when you’re not so perfect, you must be willing to consider that others are not perfect. Just as you aren’t perfect, be open and allow others to reveal who they truly are around you.

Think about the following: what fulfills you? Where do you want to be in the short and longer term? It’s all too easy to get lost in trying to make others happy or doing the ‘normal’ or popular things, even if it’s not what you really want. Be true to yourself instead of fitting your passions and personality to what others think you should be. Love yourself and pretty soon, you’ll find people that love the real you.

  1. Get better

Knowing and loving yourself is not about being comfortable with imperfections you can change. Remember that even though opposites attract, it is also true that you attract what you are. Who you are sets the stage for meeting the kind of person you’ll end up with. Therefore, find things about yourself that are unsavory and work on changing them slowly.

For instance, you can start taking care of your body by eating healthy and exercising. You can try to change your outlook by seeing the good in people and situations instead of complaining all the time. You want to be with such a person, right? Then work on being that for someone else.

  1. Be confident

Many people will tell you that there’s nothing sexier than self-assurance. It is quite possible to have the perfect life – nice body, nice job, etc. – and still not be content with who you are and hence ooze self-loathing that will cause others to avoid you. It is also possible not to have these things but walk around in confidence and attract people towards yourself.

Of course, it’s easier to be confident if you have the first two going: you’re authentic and real, and you’re working on becoming better. In this case, be confident in who you are, choices you make and your ability to draw the right people to yourself.

Finally, confidence is also about being content with your life as it is: without a love or special someone. Your love is supposed to come in to complement your wholeness. Trying to look for someone to be with before you feel complete will result in a relationship with unfulfilled expectations, especially because your partner will fall short of the image you have created that will complete you.

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done