4 Ways to Beat Menopause

 4-Ways-to-Beat-Menopause-there-are-ways-to-deal-with-it-naturallyJust when you think you’ve got a handle on your body, menopause hits and you’re wondering what’s going on with your hormones all over again. Menopause is a natural process in which your body goes through a change in its estrogen production. You can typically tell you’re experiencing menopause when you’ve missed 12 consecutive periods, but the symptoms can start much earlier. Most women in menopausal experience symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms related to hormonal changes. There is no stopping menopause, but there are definitely ways that you can get through it!

1. Exercise

It seems like exercise is recommended for all ailments but in truth, exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body regulated. As long as you’re drinking a sufficient amount of water, exercise can help you with menopausal symptoms like anxiety and depression. Low-energy exercises like walking can help reduce stress and also get you out for some fresh air to cool off from hot flashes. Getting out and going to a gym to participate is low-stress exercises like pilates or yoga is another great way to help regulate breathing and focus your mind on strengthening your body. Insomnia is common in menopausal women and can be reduced by exercise.

2. Hemp

Hemp is becoming a well-known health aid in treating disorders holistically. CBD, or cannabidiol, is derived from hemp. Hemp does not contain THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. This means that it offers all of the same healing health benefits without the after-effects. Hemp has other proven health benefits like helping to relieve anxiety, pain, and inflammation. If you’re a smoker, you could try using wild hemp cigarettes instead of regular cigarettes. Wild hemp cigarettes offer the calming experience for when you are feeling anxious or are ready to go to sleep. But before trying any hemp or CBD supplement, thoroughly vet the source. There are a lot of products on the market that claim to be organic or wild hemp, but are not pure. Be sure to ask questions and get information on the source of your hemp or CBD supplement.

3. Vitamins and Supplements

Most everyone should be taking vitamins on a daily basis to ensure that their body has all the right nutrients to maintain itself. Taking a vitamin D and calcium capsule daily promotes hormone balance and bone strength, which is especially important in older women experiencing bone density issues or bone loss. If you’re experiencing feelings of depression, seek the help of a professional. Vitamin E has been known to help prevent the blues and those in menopause should consider taking a capsule a day. If you’re experiencing hot flashes, black cohosh has been known to help.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics are well known in the health industry for helping with the digestive system and vaginal health. Probiotics are great for women to use during menopause to reduce the occurrence of urinary tract infections (UTI) that are caused naturally by lowered estrogen levels and increased lactobacillus strains. Probiotics help to promote vaginal health with UTIs and yeast infections, but they have so much more to offer women. By using probiotics for menopause, you can also help with digestive health, keeping a healthy weight, reducing hot flashes, and limiting mood swings.

Perimenopause and Menopause can be tough times for some women, so know that you’re not alone. Hormonal changes can be overwhelming, especially on your mental health. If you’re experiencing depression or anxiety, seek immediate medical attention. Vaginal health is important, so ensure that you’re getting enough probiotics and take the right vitamins. Seek advice from a medical professional before changing your diet or exercise plan. Holistic medicines like hemp can help reduce the symptoms of menopause naturally. Don’t let menopause get the best of you, you can get through it naturally!

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done