Daily Archives: October 13, 2015

How To Be Fashionably Chic On a Budget 4 comments
Being fashionable is something I love. Keeping up with the trends and being able to be fashion forward can be quit costly. But with a little creativity you can be fashionable and frugal at the same time without even breaking the bank. I’ll share with you a few tips on how you too can be frugally fashionable.  How-To-Be-Frugal-and-Fashionable-on-a-Tight-Budget Host A […]

How To Be Fashionably Chic On a Budget

50-Great-Weeks-of-Wordless-Wednesday-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girl 19 comments
 This is our 50th week of the “Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday”, and we would like to thank you for joining us each week. And if you would like to join us in November as a Co-Host, check for details below. Our event is an opportunity to meet new bloggers and make new friends. And this week we are […]

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday