Daily Archives: December 2, 2014

Would You Like To Be an Oh My Heartsie Girl & Co-Host in January? We are looking for bloggers that are interested in Co-Hosting in January. Being a Co-Host means you will have one of the latest posts from your blog listed in our Wordless Wednesday, which includes a backlink to your blog and includes social media links as well […]

The Oh My Heartsie Girl’s Wordless Wednesday

Who couldn’t use a little extra cash around Christmas? This Christmas Paypal Cash Giveaway is sponsored by: CieraNitkowski.com BloggerMediaGroup.com CrownReady.com WrappingQueens.com Entering is easy! All you have to do is complete the tasks on the giveaway tools widget below. The more tasks you complete, the more entries you receive! Please be sure to follow as many of our bloggers on […]

$100.00 PayPal Christmas Cash Giveaway