
Marketing Strategy For Trade Shows To Boost Your Business
The development of an application has a key stage that requires marketing to the target audience to spark and maintain the use of the application. The advertisement of an application requires that you have several advertising techniques to achieve the desired results. The size of the company and its reputation as well as the marketing budget, dictate the channels used […]

Marketing Strategy for Trade Shows

Everything You Need To Know About Social Media 61 comments
The Secret to Perfect Social Media Visuals (Infographic) Internet users are focused on visuals as much as they are content. When you’re trying to promote your content and bring people to your website, the best way to grab their attention is by following today’s top social media best practices, and using fun visuals to catch their eyes. Today I’ll show […]

The Secret to Perfect Social Media Visuals (Infographic)

✸ It’s Here & It’s A New Addition To The Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday PayPal Flash Cash and Your Chance To Win $60.00 Bucks Who Wouldn’t Want Some Extra Cash? We Welcome You and Happy To Have Your Join Us for Another Fun Week of Features and New Blogs and Visits From Our Co-Hosts ❣❣ Join Us as a Co-Host […]

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday

1 comment
I haven’t written about blogging for a while but when I was introduced to this tool, I just had to share. It is a really easy to use and I had fun trying out, I put in a few words(preferably nouns) and it comes up with an idea/title for my post, just like I did for this one. But not […]

A Tool Everyone In The Blog Industry Should Be Using

Are You Thinking About Starting Your Own Blog? I will cover a few ideas on what to expect when contemplating building your first blog or if you have been blogging for a short while and find you need more information. Common Newbie Internet Marketing Mistakes As a newbie internet marketer, you are bound to make a few mistakes when you’re first starting out, […]

Newbie Bloggers Learning Curves

So you think your have figured out your niche? You may have heard that internet marketing is a great way to generate an income from home. That is true, because many people are successfully working from home or using their work at home income to supplement the income they earn from their traditional job or the income that their spouse […]

Think You Have Figured Out Your Niche

Do you need inspiration for a dessert for Fathers Day? I would like to share what I have found in my travels through friends blogs and other places. Is there one that just looks so good you want to try it? And if you have not had a chance, join us for Weekends Are Fun and share your latest posts. NEW […]

Pinterest Berry Deserts with Weekends Are Fun

If you love Pinterest, like I do, then you will find many reasons why it can be used to market brands, share content, make a recipe go viral. Use it and often, encourage your viewers to repin your photos and be sure to add the “Pin It button” in each post. It is one of the fastest growing social media […]

Increase Traffic With Pinterest

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts
2 Small zucchini 2 Small yellow squash 1/3 Cup fresh mint leaves 3 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 Tablespoon of fresh lemon juice 1/4 Teaspoon sea salt Sprinkle pepper to taste 1/4 Cup toasted pine nuts   First you should thinly slice or shave, if you like, the zucchini and yellow squash. You can easily do this with a […]

Minty Squash Garden Salad