Daily Archives: February 9, 2015

Name: The SmartScale Giveaway Dates: 2/22 – 3-15 Prize: Bluetooth SmartScale   ($79.95 value) Who Can Enter: US Only Sponsor: Eat Smart Technology There are 2 options [See Form]2 Free Links With Placement of Event: Twitter & Pinterest PreEvent Post For Your Blog As a Co-Host You receive 5 links for $5.00 +*2.  Your choice Bloglovin, Google+,YouTube, Instagram, Picket Fence, Linkedin, Networked Blogs, Linky Followers, *+Twitter and Pinterest […]

Bloggers Wanted-Bluetooth Body Scale Giveaway

What? Paypal Cash Cards valued at $500 each (number of cash cards/prizes depends on the amount gathered for the giveaway. If the amount sponsored does not divide into even amounts of $500 there will be multiple $500 cards with the remainder as a “not quite as lucky prize”. (Ex. $500, $500, $500, $350). The more participants, the larger the giveaway. […]

Blogger Opportunity: Luck of the Irish Giveaway

A Piece of Toronto’s History When families or individuals plan their hollyday trips, they usually have in mind Europeor Asia, because of their rich culture. Many will opt to go to popular summer destinations, to get some tan and relax. Most of the tourists don’t realize they could get much better travel experience by visiting Toronto, Canada. Rich history and […]

Traveling To Toronto