Wrinkles And Fine Lines: How To Treat Them Naturally 3 comments

Wrinkles-and-FInes-Line-and-how-to-treat-them-naturallyAs we get older, wrinkles may start to form in certain parts of the body, especially those that are frequently exposed to the sun. Avoiding this can be difficult, as wrinkles are also part of the aging process. With just minimal facial movements, it can already trigger the development of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Nowadays, people seek more information about treatment options for treating their skin depressions. While for some, they want to stick with their natural ways. Read ahead to know more about these natural remedies. 

Massage Your Face

Massaging your face enhances blood flow and delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin. This activity also helps to improve the lymphatic drainage of fluid which causes the puffiness of the face and under-eye. Use a facial serum or lotion while you gently massage your face. Focus on areas where wrinkles and fine lines may be present such as your forehead, neck, and under your eyes. For added benefits, you can substitute your lotion with natural products.

  • Lemon Juice – Slice a piece of lemon and squeeze its juice in a cup. Apply the juice into the wrinkled skin and fine lines on your face while you massage it. The lemon’s acidity can help the skin look brighter why it reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Lemon contains citric acid and acts as a gentle exfoliator. It makes the skin smoother and softer after massaging. Another thing you can do with lemon is to drink a glass of lemon water in the morning to help improve your overall health.
  • Egg whites – Egg whites can be a protective seal as it contains proteins that coat the skin. It helps to hydrate and smoothen out the skin. Gather several egg whites and whip them in a small bowl. Use the whipped egg whites on your face as you gently massage it. Leave it to dry for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water. The natural B vitamins and vitamin E will now start to work with the rejuvenation process.
  • Apply Anti-Aging Lotion
    There’s absolutely no denying that a good anti-aging, skin-repair body lotion works when it comes to reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and crepey skin. After all, these formulations contain effective yet gentle ingredients like hyaluronic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, and glycolic acid. Along with natural components like Vitamin A that improve your skin’s collagen, elasticity, and firmness.

Consume Enough Minerals

Minerals are micronutrients that are found in foods we eat which the body needs. It also plays a huge role in the health of the skin. Minerals help to promote healing and prevent any damage (especially from the sun). Such minerals include Selenium and Zinc. Skin products or topical creams that contain both of these essential minerals can block UV radiation by keeping the skin protected from sun damage which causes wrinkles. You can get enough Zinc and Selenium in dietary supplements as they can give the same protective effects. But, if you already have a healthy diet, you probably have enough minerals for maintaining your skin.

Use Olive Oil For Cooking

It has been said that consuming olive oil may help keep the skin protected from developing fine lines and wrinkles. There has been a study where a group of people who consume olive oil daily was less prone to wrinkles than people who consume dairy and meat every day. Olive oil, together with its byproducts such as the leaves and stem, contains compounds that increase the collagen levels of the skin. Some vegetables and legumes like tomatoes, beans, and broccoli may have similar protective capabilities against wrinkles and fine lines.

Stemuderm – Does This Anti-Aging Cream Wipe Away Lines?
Exuviance HA100 Pro-Intensive Treatment for Deep Lines

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done

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