Five Awesome Facts About Your Tap Water Filter

Five Awesome Facts About Your Tap Water Filter

Tap water can be full of nastiness: germs, algae, rust, ancient dirt, and chlorine galore. Even if it has no distinct color, you may want to give it some thought and TLC – you do live off it, after all!

More and more households are choosing to filter their water and for good reason. If you ever wanted to learn how your water filter actually works, you can read up on that at this web page. Meanwhile, here are five nifty facts about your tap water filter that you may not have known.

It is more cost-effective than buying bottled water.

Bottled water comes in all shapes and packaging, from huge gallons, through multi-bottle packs, to single-serve disposable bottles. You can even get it in dozens of different flavors! Factoring in all of the available varieties, when you compare what people spend on bottled water vs. the average cost of tap water, it turns out that bottled water is about three hundred times more expensive. Let that soak in (pun intended). You spend three hundred times more money on the exact same amount of water.

Now, you might argue that installing a water filtration system in a whole settlement is more of an expense, but it actually only adds around $0.02 cost per pint of water, so it is still far more cost-effective – and there is no need to worry about the shelf life of all those fancifully flavorful additions.

It is way more sustainable.

Caring for the environment is important! Even if you throw your water bottle in the correct bin, the chances of it getting recycled are actually fairly slim. If you look at the statistics for the United States alone, about 62% of this plastic ends up in landfills instead of recycling centers, and it is not much better in the rest of the world, either.

Moreover, for each liter of water, three liters are used to manufacture and clean the bottle. The bottling process is also a major contributor to the glass house effect – its average carbon dioxide emission measures in millions of tons on an annual level. Your home water filter helps you combat both the gas emission, wasted water, and the rate of bottles that wind up in landfills.Five Awesome Facts About Your Tap Water Filter

Your filtered water is actually cleaner than bottled!

Nowadays everybody already knows about BPA (aka Bisphenol-A), a carbon-based substance linked to cancer. But bottled water contains a lot more junk than that, believe it or not. It contains several contaminants that are outright harmful, such as certain kinds of plastic byproducts, fertilizer, and even medical waste, all of which slowly but steadily seep into the water that you bought to drink. That sounds super appetizing, doesn’t it? In fact, if you were to run a liter of store-bought water through a filter you can monitor, we would bet you a muffin that you would be shocked at all the dirt.

It is easy to use and maintain.

Let’s step away from the city waterways for a second. Consider the typical household solutions: point-of-use filters that you mount on your faucet, and pitcher filters. These remove the filth from your water by means of carbon filters, which are easily removable (pro tip: replace them every couple of months). There are also “countertop” filtering systems that you can purchase, and their filters last significantly longer. Usually, you would need to replace them once a year. They also often employ more complex systems, filtering your water in several steps, removing pesticides, industrial waste etc. over the course of a few filtration stages.It Makes your water tastier that the bottled variety

It makes your water tastier than the bottled variety.

Yes, we said “tastier”; you read that right. Even though we know, in principle, that water is odorless and tasteless, in practice, all of the nasty stuff we listed above does give it a taste – we are just desensitized to it, so we fail to register it at all. Bottled water is especially guilty of this “aroma”, having that sharp, harsh, ugly taste of plastic that has been standing in hot sunlight for a while (no matter where the bottle was stored before purchase). No wonder that filtered water tastes way fresher! 

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About Karren Haller

I am a +70 Blogger that loves connecting with other women through blogging. A new recipe always intrigues, finding a new craft, creating bracelets occasionally and gardening is a favorite and writing brand reviews is a favorite for my readers. But most of all the connection to other bloggers. Creativity, simple life and getting things done