United States

Touch of French Style to Your Interiors
When it comes to fashion, style and interior designing, the French have a je ne sais quoi. In other words, they surely know all about quality and aesthetic appeal. While we’re still unsure as to how they are blessed with such a talent, one thing is for certain: French style has rapidly grown to become one of the most sought […]

Add a Touch of French Style to Your Interiors

Oh_My_Heartsie_Girl 39 comments
I cant believe it is the 43rd Week since the “Oh My Heartsie Girls” Wordless Wednesday began.  OMHGWW gives you the reader an opportunity to meet and make friends with bloggers from around the world. And we are honored to have visitors from  USA, South Africa,Germany, Australia, Asia, Europe, UK, Japan, Austria, Romania and more!!! Where do you blog from? One Party on (11) […]

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts 30 comments
This is our 42nd Week since the “Oh My Heartsie Girls” Wordless Wednesday began  Our Wordless Wednesday is an opportunity for you to meet and make friends with bloggers from around the world. We are honored to have visitors from  USA, South Africa, Germany, Australia, Asia, Europe, UK, Japan, Austria, Romania  and more!!! Where do you blog from? One Party on (10) […]

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday

I love architecture of buildings inside and out. This gives me the chance to share what New York offers much to its visitors, not least when it comes to the arts. From galleries to the theater, visitors to the Big Apple won’t be disappointed by the impressive number of museums and venues to enjoy. Museum of Arts and Design Open […]

Discovering The Arts In New York

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts 1 comment
Soda Companies Take the Lead in Healthier Lifestyles One of the overwhelming messages that companies are getting from the public is that living healthier does matter. Many of the companies that make soft drinks have started creating healthier products in response to this demand. There is a much greater number of products available than there were in previous years, giving […]

Healthy Idea From Soda Companies

Oh My Heartsie GIrls Weekly Linky Party For All Blogs To Share Their Latest Posts 3 comments
“Bloggers Have The Power To Convey Important Messages” “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” Together each year more women & men can learn about Breast Cancer and the warning signs and more cancer can be cured!!  More research can be is being done! The best way to fight breast cancer is for early detection and I have found an Iphone app that […]

Bloggers Shout-Breast Cancer Awareness Month

“Weekends Are Fun” party is always the funnest, as I get to highlight other blogs, recipes and posts on our Pinterest Board. Welcome To Weekends Are Fun Linky Party Announcement I am adding a bit of a contest-giveaway to party, that will last for the month of August and the winner will be announced on Septembers first Weekend Party Grab […]

Weekends Are Fun Party

DIY Home Security Tips With a burglary happening every fifteen seconds in the US, home security has never been more important than it is today. Many homes lack basic home security because they find that it is too expensive. However, this is not the case. There are many security precautions that can be implemented in the home and all of […]

Seven DIY Home Security Tips

Let me Pin Your Entry to Our Mondays Reflection Pinterest Board! My only rule for Mondays Reflection is that you “PUSH A BUTTONS”  You Push Mine I’ll Push Yours!!! Here you go, all the little buttons you can push, I wont mind      

Mondays Reflection